Friday, October 23, 2020


 While watching the evening news today, they flashed on this hideous picture.

Phil said this looks like a cartoon Hornet.

It's an Asian Giant Hornet, usually referred to as a Murder Hornet. They are huge, and beside having long stingers, they can spit venom. What they are killing is honeybees. They are raiding their hives and killing them all. As if the bees don't have enough to worry about now. They just found the first Murder Hornet nest in Washington State and will be killing them tomorrow. So staying inside isn't all bad. 

“Murder hornets:  because 2020 wasn't bad enough.” 

 Internet meme



Hootin Anni said...

Wow...where do they come from, y'wonder? What next?

DeniseinVA said...

Isn’t that awful? I have been reading about them.

Ann said...

I've heard about these. I wouldn't want to be the one to have to take care of that nest.

Susie said...

I hate all those creepy things that want to kill our bees. I would not want to get stung by it. I think I told Linda about these. We need our bees. Blessings, be safe. xoxo, Susie

Rose said...

I hope they kill all of them!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ginny...we had those nasty hornets when we lived in VA!!! They are BRUTAL!

I do not have your email so I'm answering your comment here: Yes, delete the old blog (A Quiet Corner)...everything can be found on the new one. I discovered that there was a site with a similar name and it was NOT a good one...:)jp

George said...

These hornets can wipe out honey bee hives. I hope Washington State is able to find and eliminate all 'murder hornet' nests.

Nancy Chan said...

Scary. I hope these hornets can be eliminated before they become too numerous.

Martha said...

They scare the you know what out of me!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Well this just fits in perfectly with that there is nothing on the television but horror and this goes on the top of the list. Just about one of the scariest things I've ever seen since just a normal bee will chase me and scare me to death and a wasp makes me go into screaming fits so I hope I never see one of these. He's the thing nightmares are made of

Chatty Crone said...

I love their caption - I agree - Just what we needed. I wonder if they were physically adapted or naturally occurring.

Jeanette said...

Those things just freak me out! If one were to fly at me or land on me I think I would have a heart attack! I hope they find more nests they can destroy!

photowannabe said...

Good Grief..maybe we are in the days of Moses and are getting the "plagues" like they did.
What an ugly critter and quite scary.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Way to go, look on the positive side . staying inside has it's benefits .

CheerfulMonk said...

Fingers crossed they can stop them from spreading.

Tamago said...

Oh gosh, they look and sound scary! I hope the state will be able to get rid of them!

Mari said...

Yikes! I hope they get them!

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, so this is a killer bee... to me, it looks the same as the others.. better be careful as not to go near.

Ida said...

Yeah we get all the (good)? stuff in our state!

Jenny the Pirate said...

That's just horrible. Boo Hiss. xoxo

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