Friday, October 9, 2020

Fence Of Spiders

 Pretty lights on this fence a few blocks away - NOT!

Let's get a bit closer...if you DARE!

Yes, it is a fence of giant spiders, my worst nightmare.

Eek! Finding more spiders in your homes lately?

“Spiders are always big in the autumn; they’ve had all summer to grow.”

Alice Roberts


Hootin Anni said...


yes, I don't like spiders either. The real ones. This fence is okay tho. Both night AND day.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I like the way people have made decorating for Halloween such a big thing in recent years. I have to admit that I don’t like the stuff that is really scary but spiders and pretty lights are fun!

Rose said...

I am afraid to say this. But not seeing a whole lot of spiders. I like these.

Ann said...

The fence looks nice with all the lights but that is one big scary spider.

George said...

I like the fence much better when the spiders are not visible.

Shug said...

Oh wow........ spooky spiders. I am not a fan of any kind of spider, fake or real. I do like the lights though. You always have the most interesting post...

Ida said...

Those are fun spiders, Such a colorful display with the lights. I'm not really super afraid of spiders anymore although I don't like the jumping variety very much.

Jeanette said...

That fence looks pretty in spite of the spiders! We don't see many spiders in this house. Any that do come in usually are taken care of by the cats pretty quickly!

Chatty Crone said...

I don't like real spiders - but I love artificial ones - looks so cute!

The Feminine Energy said...

My goodness, all the decorations in your neighborhood, Ginny. I love them! There are 12 houses in our little country subdivision-of-sorts and years ago lots of people used to decorate for the various holidays. But the children in those households, like mine, have all grown and most have gone so... no more decorating. Outside anyway. Children bring much joy to life, in various ways. ~Andrea xoxo

Ruth Hiebert said...

That would certainly not be my choice of decorating .

Tamago said...

Oh what a decoration! Looks pretty with all the lights in the night but you have to see the scary spider in the daylight!

Mari said...

Yikes! I'm not a fan of spiders. :)

CheerfulMonk said...


DeniseinVA said...

Do love those orange fairy lights. And the spiders are popular around here too. Lots of Halloween decorations going up. We are baa humbug and don't decorate but we do enjoy the ones in the neighborhood.

Jenny the Pirate said...

UGH! No thank you. Haahahaa xoxo

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