Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 The Red-Winged Blackbirds love sitting on the cattails and calling.

Blackbirds sit on the cattails

And sway in the breeze

Their shrill calls sound like creaky door hinges...



The Feminine Energy said...

These pictures could NOT be any more beautiful if they tried, Ginny. I can imagine seeing this scene in-person was even more magnificent!! ~Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

Wonderful pictures. I've spotted a few of these around but they've always been in motion and too fast for me to get a picture

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I’ve always referred to them as red-wing blackbirds. They show up here in the spring time. I like the way they sound. You have captured beautiful pictures of them.

Hootin Anni said...

I can just hear their beautiful calls. Great pictures Ginny!

Martha said...

These are fantastic captures Ginny, just gorgeous!

Rose said...

They are besutiful!

Shug said...

Such beautiful birds and the first picture of them sitting on the reeds is my favorite. Great photos

MadSnapper n Beau said...

To me The Cattails in these photos make the birds even more beautiful and The Cattails almost outshine the beautiful birds. Awesome shots and I agree with Shug the first one is my favorite and when I first saw it I thought it was flamingos

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful birds on the Cattails make great pictures.

Inger said...

How fun, we have the red-winged variety at the other end of town where there's a small lake. Here and in town, they area just black and a dull color for the girls.

I'm well, but a bit sad about friends and family who may not be. I guess I'm feeling a loss. It may all work out, but right now I don't know what to blog about, so I'm just taking a break.

You inspired me though with always finding unusual things to post. Last time I was stopped at the train tracks I took pictures of all the graffiti on the train cars. I will post it when I get back to blogging.

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for the comments regarding my frost photos. :-) I was so pleased how I was able to capture the flowers. And guess what? 6.75 inches of snow fell yesterday!!

I like your poem and photos. The cattails are pretty.

photowannabe said...

Common birds with very uncommon color and calls.
Love your captures

Tamago said...

Wow, what beautiful birds! Your photos are incredible! Love your poem, too :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I know there are folks who don’t like the call of these birds, but those first few calls in spring are like music to my ears.

Chatty Crone said...

I did not know there were red feathered black birds - they were kind of pretty weren't they?

Mari said...

Beautiful photos! I love seeing them sitting on the cattails!

L. D. said...

That would be a lot of chatter in the tails. We sometimes see them migrate down trough our state. They would all land in out big maples and talk to each other.

Naomi (Angel Numbers) said...

Such beautiful birds! Red-Winged Blackbirds on Cattails make such a pretty sight. Regards Naomi https://divineangelnumbers.com/

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow! Great photos Ginny! These are the birds I love to see and hear their distinctive trill. I have never seen this many at one time. You captured them beautifully.

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