Saturday, October 3, 2020

Sunday Bread

 Art made by carving bread. I got these on the web, and do not know who made them. But they make me hungry.

“The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.”

 ~Erma Bombeck


Hootin Anni said...

I like favorite is the knife biter

The Feminine Energy said...

Some folks had a lot of time on their hands, didn't they. *lol* ~Andrea xoxo

crafty cat corner said...

I live these, I wonder if they used the excess bread or threw it away?

Sue said...

I like the bread art, Ginny, and Erma's quote, she was one of my favorite authors, always willing to laugh at herself, which we need more of today!
Thanks for visiting and for your sweet comment.
You previously asked the name of my candle, it is called Harvest Gatherings, it smells so wonderful, I bought it from Bath and Body Works.
Have a great day,

NanaDiana said...

What fun! Martha Stewart's quote could not be truer! lol xo Diana

Inger said...

Sorry, but that foot kind of made me lose my appetite. But very creative, I must say that much.

George said...

I didn't realize there was such an art form as this.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't think I have EVER gone in a store for bread and ONLY bought bread. IMPOSSIBLE! it is hard for me to go in Publix and walk out with ONLY our RX.
it took true talent to carve these, but i rather eat rolls than carve. they are cute

Rose said...

I think they are amazing...and so agree with the quote from Erma!

Chatty Crone said...

It is World Communion Sunday - first thing I thought of when I saw your unique bread! God Bless You.

DawnTreader said...

The foot I don't find all that appetizing, I have to say :)

Sandi said...

That Bombeck quote is so true. They won't even let me leave the grocery store without a full cart. It's a law or something!

Tamago said...

Wow, great bread art! But they don’t look very appetizing hahaha :-)

Ann said...

These are so cool. Very creative too.

Mari said...

Wow! Some people are so creative. Very cool!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Very creative, but I must say the foot one did not look at all appetizing.

CheerfulMonk said...

That last one is brilliant!

Anne M Robinson said...

You have come across some interesting things. I like all of these. Just when they are harping about cutting back carbs! HaHaHa! The last one is great! It would be hard working in a bakery around such aromas sigh.....

Have a great week!

DeniseinVA said...

What fun! Clever creative people! I always enjoyed Irma Bombeck. She was so witty.

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