Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 There's lots of hay around here now.

I like this kind of hay.

I do NOT like this kind of hay. The kind you get stuck riding behind on the highway!

And some of it appears to be falling off because it is not secured properly. What makes you nervous about autumn?


The Feminine Energy said...

I love all the different things farmers do, around this time of year, with the round bales of hay. Soooooo sweet! Yes, why oh why don't some farmers (or anyone else, for that matter) secure their load before transport. What a horrible accident could be caused if their load decides to shift! I'm glad you stayed safe, Ginny! ~Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

Nice to see the bales of hay out in the open. I would be afraid to drive behind those bales that look like they are going to fall off. Have a wonderful week.

CheerfulMonk said...

The decorated bales were fun, but be careful of the ones being transported!

Kasia J. said...

Świetne zdjęcia.

Ann said...

I love how some decorate those bales of hay. So clever.
I always wonder how well they have the bales secured when they're riding down the road. Certainly wouldn't want one of those falling off when you're driving behind them.

Hootin Anni said...

Cute and creative bales. I like the spider best. Great finds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think Charlie Brown would say that's the Great Pumpkin made out of hay. I can't think of anything that makes me nervous about Autumn. At least at the hay falls off the tractor it's not going to break anything. What makes me nervous is riding behind or beside or within sight of the haulers who carry logs

Martha said...

That last one is funny! Love all your hay shots and now I wish I could go on a hayride :)

George said...

I definitely like the decorated hay much better than loads of hay on the highway.

Chatty Crone said...

An autumn mobile - cute. Love those first haystacks!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Scenes like that tractor with a wagon full of hay are very common around my area.It can be a little unnerving to be right behind them.

photowannabe said...

I love the round haystacks and how some have decorated them.
Great capture of the car following the hay truck.

Rose said...

I love the smell of fresh cut hay...and love how they made the big bales into decorations!

Jeanette said...

The decorated hay bales are very clever!

My Tata's Cottage said...

I get nervous driving with high winds so that would not be a good thing here. Our Lulu is 2 years and 8 months. She is a real character. But she still mothers her children Mollie and Finn. I often catch her licking their faces just like a real mom wiping smudges away. haha!
I am trying to catch up with everyone. Have a wonderful week.

Mari said...

I'm a farmers daughter, so I love hay! Brings back lots of good memories. Thanks for the photos!

DeniseinVA said...

It's that time of the year and this is why, I love to see everything autumnal. Funny humor at the end of it too. Thanks Ginny :)

Jenny the Pirate said...

I can't think of anything that makes me nervous about autumn, except the onset of the early dark. I truly dread that. But I do enjoy the cooler weather coming so I'll take the bad with the good. Hope you're well. xoxo

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