Thursday, October 15, 2020


 This post is just a mixture of unusual things I have spotted over the years.

This was NOT near Halloween, it was in the summer. 

We were driving behind this car in the rain. What was in the back window made me smile.

A man needing a nap waits at a bus stop in Richmond, Va. I hope he didn't sleep through his stop.

Yellow peppers growing low to the ground.

An elderly mailman with a giant dreadlock.

I must go now. My intrepid assistant has fallen asleep on the job.

Elliott Erwitt


Reanaclaire said...

Lol.. such cute pictures you have been keeping, Ginny! Your camera is ever-ready, right?!

The Feminine Energy said...

I love the picture of you and your "assistant" most of all, Ginny!!!! Those peppers look mighty delicious, for sure. ~Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

A nice collection. I wonder what the tutu was for. Those are cute little stuffies in the back window of that car.

Hootin Anni said...

Omg...that tutu atop a pair of jeans is corny enough to be on the ridiculous the stuffed animals in the window. And your assistant? A government worker? (Just kidding)

crafty cat corner said...

Lovely collection Ginny, especially the yawning man, lol

Rose said...

Fun randomness here!

Nancy Chan said...

The yawning man makes me smile. I hope no one takes snapshots of me yawning. Lol! Beautiful yellow pepper.

Martha said...

They are all great. You clicked at the perfect moment for the yawning man!

Shug said...

Oh, the things we see in life.....makes for interesting days. These are all photos that relate to everyday life and how so many things are so different from how we live life.

Chatty Crone said...

Your eye for spotting the unique is always on - loved them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love love the double selfie at the end! What was she thinking! I love all the photos today. You found lots of interesting things all different and it proves that quote at the end is absolutely the truth it's all about seeing. I'm talking to my phone if there's anything looking funny I'm standing out in front of Tire Kingdom so I can talk to the phone I've been here for about an hour they're working on the car and I'm facing the most traveled Road in our city and there is a traffic jam at the one that goes to the beaches and the traffic is backed up both ways thank goodness I don't have to go out on that road I can go out the back

Inger said...

Your pictures of life as you catch it are wonderful. I love the one of the yawning man, I actually love all of them. Most of all I love (sorry it's early here in California, and love is the only word I can come up with right now) so I love most of all how you keep your eyes open to what's happening in your world and your camera ready to snap it.

You could be the Sanesnapper, the yang to Madsnapper's yin.

NanaDiana said...

Ginny-What great/fun photos. Those are some of my favorites-just those random photos that catch your fancy. Have a great weekend- xo Diana

Ruth Hiebert said...

There are so many interesting and unique sights all around us,.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I always love the pictures you take and the way you see the world

Jenny the Pirate said...

Haaaahaha I hope your assistant didn't miss his bus. LOVE the photography quote. I began seeing everything differently the moment I picked up a camera. So therapeutic. Clever shots, Ginny! xoxo

Mari said...

The bus stop man photo is so good!
I love the photography quote. I think taking photos makes me notice the beauty around me more!

CheerfulMonk said...

Nice collection!

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