The fall grasses are here!
“The grass withers and
the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”
It is a St. Patrick's Day fashion competition! The competitors are the Big Cat and the Big Cow! First up is the Big Cat. Next up is the...
The fall grasses look like the colour of my hair. Happy new week. Take care and stay safe.
Indeed shimmering in the sunlight! Happy Autumn, Ginny!
That sure is pretty!
It's pretty. My sister in law had some in her yard and when she first planted it I couldn't understand why she wanted it. After it grew and I saw what it looked like I understood.
I love these grasses! And the sun just makes them more beautiful and they truly are shimmering from the sunshine. Makes me want to go plant some but don't hold your breath because I'm too lazy to do it
How beautiful, Ginny!!!!! Fall grasses... I don't believe I've heard of such a thing. I love things that make a can-be-gloomy-sometimes season brighter. I used to have some sort of daisy in the front of the house that bloomed pink flowers around Thanksgiving. I transplanted it and it died... and I was so sad. I have no idea what it was formally called but boy, did it lend a splash of happiness to the landscape in late autumn. Many times there was snow on it but the blooms were gorgeous! ~Andrea xoxo
Thanks to my dear friend who passed away, I have several varieties of ornamental grasses around the yard...and LOVE them all, Ginny. The birds love them. We love them and GOD has Mother Nature to care for them...:)jp
The grasses are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.
You captured it well!
The sun is shining on them perfectly too.
Those fall grasses are so lovely. I really need to find a spot to plant some of them.
Those are so pretty. We had these types of grasses in our yard but the county wanted us to get rid of them because they are not native to here and invasive. So we had to dig them up, many had been here for years. We still have one little one that keeps trying to make an appearance. As long as it doesn't get too big, we'll be okay. Lol
I love these grasses. They look so pretty in the light or blowing in the breeze.
I love those grasses! We have some here too, and when the light hits them, they're so pretty!
I have always liked the fall grasses and the plumes. So very pretty
Lovely photos Ginny, I have some of that grass, just a small patch.
I see then all over and I love the feathery look of them!
It looks so fragile but it isn't! xoxo
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