Monday, October 12, 2020

The Y

 This week, our city had their annual wall art festival. Each fall, they choose a couple buildings for local artists to decorate. This is now on the YMCA. I got there in time to see the artists still hard at work! It can be dangerous!

Now on to the bigger front wall.

They also painted a big garage door at the gas station in the next block. I did not like that painting at all! I will show you in my next post.

“Few people go to art exhibitions nowadays, the art comes to them!”
Chris Geige


Nancy Chan said...

I like the idea of holding annual wall art festival. Beautiful wall art. The artists are so talented.

The Feminine Energy said...

Are those permanent paints, Ginny? If so the building owners are mighty trusting... but the result could be a delightfully decorated city after awhile. Can't wait to see tomorrow! ~Andrea xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

How very pretty Ginny. I love these murals!

Reanaclaire said...

I really admire this type of artists... they are really creative!

Ann said...

These are both wonderful paintings. Very talented artists.

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful. So well done, both of them.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I love these!! Salem, MA, which I drive through on my way to and from work has a great many of these murals. They are so interesting. They make the commute better.

roughterrain crane said...

Great! It's incredible to complete such big paintings without distortion.

Shug said...

I am amazed at the talents some people have. These are beautiful and well thought out.

Martha said...

I love this idea but you sure have me curious about what we will see tomorrow!

Rose said...

I love murals...and love that there are more and more of them.

A P&S camera is just that...a Point & Shoot...just little handheld camera...can operate with one hand easily.

Chatty Crone said...

The murals are pretty cool - do they do this every year? Do they paint over the old ones or somehow remove the old paint?

George said...

I really like this wall art.

photowannabe said...

Interesting quote. I think there is a lot of truth to it.
Amazing artists that can use their skills on such a large scale.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Very talented people.

Carla from The River said...

Amazing talent. :-)

Inger said...

What a wonderful idea. We have murals here also and I think it's great that art is indeed brought to us.

Mari said...

Very cool! There are some talented people out there!

Buttercup said...

These are great. What a fun out of doors activity to enjoy. When I travel I'm always on the lookout for outdoor murals.

CheerfulMonk said...

They are not only talented, that's an enormous amount of work!

Ida said...

Wow those are amazing. I'm so glad you were able to get shots of the artist as they worked. - Funny that my post is about art today too.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I love outdoor art! xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

The last painting is really beautiful and very appropriate to have on the YMCA. I'm wondering why they put the peacocks on the YMCA. But they are absolutely beautiful. I had started a collection of murals because they've added a few downtown but the first one we took we were riding big and we haven't been back since then

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