Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Afton Mountain Rockslide

 We live in the Shenandoah Valley, at the foot of  Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway. So we are down in a valley. To get to the nearest big city, Charlottesville, we must go over Afton Mountain.

The roads are winding and were cut into the mountain.

At times, you will pass the shale of the bare mountain.

Here is a fence they attached to help with rockfalls. There are signs to beware of fallng rocks.

There was a major rockslide a couple months ago. No one was hurt. But the road was closed while they cleaned up and figured out how to secure it. They put this mesh over it and drilled posts into the mountain to attach it. I still love living here and wouldn't trade it for anything! 

Coming back home, here is our valley laid out at the foot of the mountain.

“A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn’t in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.”

1 Kings 19


DeniseinVA said...

That is a beautiful ride you took us on. Glorious views/

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty valley scenic view!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it really is a beautiful ride and i liked seeing the shale on the sides, i miss seeing mountains and shale but am in love with Florida now. your state is much like where we lived in Kentucky and I did love it there... looks like the road is light on traffic, which is not true here

Jeanette said...

You live in a beautiful area! I've driven through it many times!

Chatty Crone said...

I wish I could see that area it looks so wonderful. How long of a drive is it to Charlottesville??? North Carolina?

George said...

We have the same problem (and solution) along the Tennessee-North Carolina border. You live in a beautiful part of the country.

Nancy Chan said...

You live in a beautiful place. I enjoy the ride with you.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You live in a beautiful area of our Beloved Country!

Everything about it, sounds lyrical.

Needless to say, it brings to mind the old song...

"Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you,
Away, you rolling river
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you
Away, I'm bound away, cross the wide Missouri.

Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter,
Away, you rolling river
Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter
Away, I'm bound away, cross the wide Missouri."


Beside a babbling brook... said...


I have my Blog Name, showing, on my Header!!!!! I simply clicked on the line, which we always used.... Blog name show on pic.

I still can't center a pic, in my Header... Only way it looks neat, is to have a pic, the exact size needed, to fill my Header space, which I have today.


My blog name shows again, right on my Header pic!!!!

Doing Happy Dance!


photowannabe said...

Thanks for showing us a beautiful view of your Valley.
It's a part of the USA that I haven't been able to visit...

still on my bucket list.

Red Rose Alley said...

You live in a beautiful area. I love the mountains around you. Since moving to the mountains, I appreciate them all the more. Be careful of the rockfalls. Thank you for sharing the area where you live. Home is a special place, indeed. : )


Ruth Hiebert said...

That looks like a very scenic drive through or over the mountain.

Mari said...

What a pretty place and a gorgeous view!

The Feminine Energy said...

You live in one of the prettiest areas in the USA, Ginny!! Thank you for the pictures!! Absolutely gorgeous!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

DawnTreader said...

Interesting to see a bit more of the landscape surrounding where you live!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

So beautiful.

Jenny the Pirate said...

That is a beautiful part of the world. I love the Shenandoah Valley. xoxo

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