Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Drive

 As we were driving a few days ago, we again passed the giant watering can.

These are the flowers under it now.

These giant leaves were what it watered a few years ago.

We also passed this Mimosa tree, with the most abundant blooms of any I have seen.

But maybe my favorite of the day were these sunny flowers we saw.

Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher.

~William Wordsworth


I will find my joy —
Not in a bed of hothouse roses,
but in a wayward roadside flower.

~Muriel Strode


Anni said...

Everything is so pretty and colorful. It's been years since I've seen a mimosa tree in bloom. Several in Tucson.
That watering can is a work of art.

Ann said...

Love that watering can and it looks amazing with all those beautiful flowers underneath it. Everything looks so pretty.
In my post the other day you asked if that was William Perry. This monument is dedicated to Col. Oliver Hazard Perry.

Martha said...

I love that giant watering can and all the beautiful flowers it's 'watering'. That Mimosa tree and your favorite flowers are both so gorgeous. It seems like everything is always so clean and colorful where you live - beautiful!

Jeanette said...

I love ALL of them but the mimosa tree is my very favorite! How gorgeous!

Inger said...

That tree is beautiful. It's such fun to see the things you find on your rides. I hope to venture out more now in my new car and take some pictures from around town and the surrounding areas.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i saw the flowering tree and the closeup of the powder puffs i thought you came to Florida and did not see us. I LOVE THAT CAN and my favorite shot is the watering can sprinkling the giant elephant ears, they are even biggern than ours in the back yard. goregeous

George said...

Your drive was filled with beauty. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a cool looking watering can. And what pretty flowers growing around it. I like the quote you shared, as I love a bush full of roses, but also a single flower that we see driving on the road or through a countryside.

Have a beautiful week.


DeniseinVA said...

I love that watering can, pretty tree and flowers also, and I always enjoy your quotes. Thanks Ginny :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Your post.... The Beauties of Summer!!!!!!!


photowannabe said...

Ginny, you live in such a grand many works of art. Love the watering can doing its thing.
I love the poem at the end and wayward roadside flowers have a specialness all their own.
Enjoy your day.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love those pictures, and I especially love the Strode quote. ❤️

Chatty Crone said...

Your town is so eclectic! That watering can is a work of art.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh those flowers are so pretty. I like the watering can idea.

Linda said...

I love the fragrance of a Mimosa tree!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Hi, I wanted to answer your question.....the girls live in So Cal, and I live in the mountains now, Northern Cal, which is about 7 hours away. I did live in So Cal and watched Mia for about 8 months, but northern Cal is my home, and I have always wanted to live the later part of my years in the mountains, so moved up here. I will try to see them as often as I can, and they will come to see me too, so the visits shouldn't be too far apart. But when I start to miss them, that tells me that it's time for a visit. : )


Red Rose Alley said...

Oooops, I meant 9 hours away. It used to be 7 before I moved further up north. ; )

Mari said...

I like them all and that watering can is pretty cool!

Anne Robinson said...

That watering can is adorable. Love all the blooms. Very beautiful phoots.

Ida said...

Beautiful flowers and I love that Giant watering can.

Jenny the Pirate said...

SO gorgeous! I love a mimosa tree! xoxo

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