Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bicycles & Flowers

 We passed by this house last week, and I was enchanted! They used flowers and matching bicycles as their outdoor decor! I have never seen anything quite like it! 

They even had a toy dump truck planted with succulents.

“Life is like riding a bicycle; we can keep from falling if we keep moving. Only a few trick-riders can stand still and not tumble.”

 ~Author Unknown


Terra said...

Cute, creative and fun.

Hootin Anni said...

Those bikes look "antique". Love the dump truck too.

Veronica Lee said...

Aww! Love, love, love the photos! Pretty as a picture!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, Ginny!

Nancy Chan said...

Very creative and unique. I would be curious and tempted to go nearer to explore. You have many interesting things in your area.

Ann said...

Love the bikes. That looks so nice. someone did a good job with this.

Martha said...

I've never seen anything like it either, just gorgeous!

DeniseinVA said...

A delightful series of photos Ginny. You can tell that they decorated their home with a true labor of love. Great photos with a perfect quote too :)

Inger said...

You find the lovliest things on your drives. Was that house right by the street? It looked like it in one of the pictures.

Hena Tayeb said...

Oh that looks so beautiful.. puts a smile on my face.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Flowers are absolutely amazing even by themselves and I do love the Planters with the feet and the thongs on the feet. I've never seen anything like that! And I agree that those bicycles do look like antique bikes. It's absolutely beautiful and also very unique

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Wonder how they keep everything safe at night? Those bicycles must have to be brought in at night.

Hope you honked your horn, when you passed by, to let them know, you appreciate the work. -smile-


photowannabe said...

Oh...I really want those feet pots..They are fantastic.
What a creative neighborhood you have. Lovely decor.

Chatty Crone said...

I love that yard - has to make you happy just going by it.

Mari said...

What a cute yard! I love those old bikes. I would worry about someone taking them though.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Somebody has had some fun thinking this design up.

Red Rose Alley said...

This house looks charming. Lots of pretty colors and a bit whimsical. I've never seen anything like those feet planters. The bicycles are too cute. Love the yellow and pink colors on them. : )


LC said...

What an eclectic mix of colorful blooms and other items that say "summertime."

Jenny the Pirate said...

SUPER cute! I had some of those whimsical "footed" pots out by my pool a few years ago. Those folks are really good at delightful decorating! xoxo

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