Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Cormorant

 We spotted him behind a fenced-in industrial pool. Looking at his profile, I pretty much knew right away what he was. 

Still, I could hardly believe my eyes. Cormorants are never very far from the ocean, and we are about three hours away from any shore. So this was a really rare sighting for our area. He was alone, as well, with no mate or flock.


babYpose said...

Hi, such a beauty, beautiful captured.

Hootin Anni said...

Incredible sighting. Ginny I especially like the silhouette. A neotropic cormorant, I believe.

Martha said...

So glad you spotted him and were able to get such great shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wonder if he got lost and found his way to you and your camera. they are common here but all of florida is only a short way from oceans so that makes sense. i like the close up of his head,

Red Rose Alley said...

What a lovely bird. I'm not familiar with them. That's a nice picture of him taking flight in the water. Since they live close to the ocean, and you are three hours away, maybe he was there just for you. ; ) I love that quote and it really spoke to me, as I live in the woods now.

Have a peaceful Sunday.


Anni said...

Ps Ginny. I just did a Google search for Tennessee ...they do reside there.

CheerfulMonk said...

Great pictures! ❤️

Sandi said...

Maybe he was on an adventure...

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Fun to photograph.

But I feel sorry for him, being so far from where his normal area is, and all alone. -sigh-


The Feminine Energy said...

It always worries me when I see wildlife in other places they're usually not. I wonder why this little guy ventured so far away? An industrial park, to boot! I love that last quote!! ~Andrea xoxo

Carla from The River said...

WOW! What a treasure to see Ginny, and capture on camera.

Chatty Crone said...

I would not know what kind he was. You are so smart. Interesting beak there at the end!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I see these guys regularly at the lake near town, but rarely get a decent picture. This one posed for you so well.

Mari said...

What an amazing sight! You got some great photos!

Ann said...

Amazing captures. I especially like the silhouette.

DeniseinVA said...

Exciting to see a bird we don’t normally get to see. We saw the Roseate Spoonbird yesterday. I read in a magazine about them suggesting the storm down south may have sent them to find a new, safer area. Maybe it is the case with your Cormorant? Great photos!

Rose said...

They fascinate me...I have seen one or two out at the strip pits one year and wondered how they got have seen them down at Goose Pond...and we are in Indiana!

Nancy Chan said...

It may have flown too far away from its flock and got lost. Great that you got some good clear shots of the bird.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful bird! I wonder why he was so far from the shore!

photowannabe said...

Great capture, especially the silhouette.
Glad Anni could give you the answers you needed.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Gorgeous bird! I wonder what he was doing so far from his habitat. xoxo

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