Monday, July 19, 2021

An Elephant's Eye

 Right now the corn is just about as high as an elephant's eye. There is a lot around here, and it is finally doing well.

Would you believe that many neighbors are growing it in their yards in this residental area? Take a look.

And it is always so pretty in a field with the mountains behind,

Corn can add inches in a single day; if you listened, you could hear it grow.

Laura Ruby


Hootin Anni said...

I especially like the photo of the field with the mountains as a backdrop.

Nancy Chan said...

I love corn. The corns are growing beautifully. Nice quote. I like the last image.

Ann said...

I've heard the phrase knee high by the 4th of July but never the high as an elephants eye. I like that one.
Years ago when I had a garden we planted corn. It's selling for $6.00 a dozen this year in my area.
Love the view in that last picture

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks as pretty as the other plants and can be eaten. makes me feel happy to se the fields of it, our food supply is going downa and down. due to weather and drought and lack of workers. this is great news

Martha said...

Love the quote. If I had a veggie garden I would grown some corn too. I love that last shot, so beautiful!

Chatty Crone said...

Love that - in the south we don't raise it, but KUDZU grows inches a day too. Ever heard of it?

R's Rue said...

Your photos are beautiful and I love that quote. Have a stunning day.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Now we will all be singing songs from "Oklahoma"!!!! -smile-

Hooray for the people growing their own corn. It's not that easy as you need cross pollination I think. But they have it mastered.

Noting better than picking a fresh ear of corn... Bringing it in... Popping it in boiling water for 1-2 minutes... Taking it out and to the table. Smothering it with butter and salting it, and eating it!!!!!


Gentle hugs,

photowannabe said...

Boy oh I love fresh corn on the cob.
You are making me drool right now. Gotta have it slathered in lots of butter too. Bad for my A1c but my mouth loves it...
Love the picture of the barn and sunset on the corn stalks.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The corn looks very healthy in your area. I remember the tall rows of corn Mom had in her garden. It always felt like I was in a forest. Later that same corn sure was tasty when it was cooked and served with butter.

NanaDiana said...

Good for people that grown their food. Reminds me of what you read about with the liberty gardens back during the war.
I hope you have a wonderful night- xo Diana

Jeanette said...

Corn on the cob is the very best this time of year!

CheerfulMonk said...

You’re making me hungry for buttered corn on the cob!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful corn! We see it often. My friend in Kansas frows soybean and says their crop is looking terrific. I bought ears of corn for dinner. Our SIL Zach grills it, yummiest corn ever. I put a pork roast in the crock pot with bbq sauce so we can shred it for sandwiches. Y U M !
ALways nice to see youe photos and great quotes.

Ida said...

I've seen a few people here where I live growing corn in their yards, gardens as well. - We have a place here that does a Corn Maze (except last year - due to stinking Covid) but hopefully they will have the maze this year.

Mari said...

I love seeing fields of corn. It's doing well in our area too.

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE the second photo!
I have heard corn growing.. it is true!
xx oo

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, I also saw fields of corn when I visit Sacramento during the past trips... I heard that Sacramento is an agricultural city where much crops are planted there. Corns are sweet and tasty, I normally use them to boil soup as well...

LC said...

Enjoyed this "corny" collection of photos! I love riding around and seeing how creative city residents in our area have lush vegetable gardens in limited space.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well I must say I don't think I've ever seen corn growing in a yard before, although I probably have and just forgot! My TG loves sweet corn. I must get him some before the summer is over. xoxo

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