Friday, July 2, 2021


 I would call these porches in our neigborhood charming. I wish we had a porch!

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

 Marcel Proust

A Note On The Fallen Tree

Many of you commented that it was not right for the tree that fell to be left leaning over for so long, as it posed such a danger. I agree! The house is rented. And the renters said they had told the owner about it, and he did nothing. When the owner came out to take a look after it had fallen, Phil went out and asked him why he had done nothing about it. He said he didn't know. So someone was not telling the truth.


Linda said...

Two of my favorite words - charming and porch!!
I don't really have one - at home or here - but I'm working on it!

Nancy Chan said...

Love these charming porches. They are very charming and brighten up the whole place. Have a wonderful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are charming, and they do make me happy to see them . i do wish i had one but i want mine screened in. my grand mothers house had screened porches on 3 sides and her house was much like the village houses but larger. i spent many happy hours in rockers and a swing on her porches. the perfect place to read and listen to the call of owls and doves

Ann said...

These are definitely charming. I would love to have a porch like these.
How typical that you get two different stories from the renters and the owner. I guess no one will ever know for sure except for them.

Hootin Anni said...

Nice!!! Can't choose a favorite tho. All are perfect.

Martha said...

They really are charming. My front porch is more of a covered entry, not big enough to do much of anything with. I would love a nice big front porch!

photowannabe said...

I agree with Linda's comment...Porch and charming. I love the cozy and welcoming feel.
Wicker chairs seem so inviting too.
Comment on my post about the huge high heel.
That shoe was about 6 feet tall. A real piece of art.
I could never walk in heels like that...even in my youth...
Now I'm "old" and FLAT is the very best for me.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - I just LOVE the area you live in - it seems like everything is so colorful and happy and unique!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Thank you for clarifying about the tree. Actually, he ought to at least drive by his rental properties often... If he really didn't know.

I wish we had a real porch too. We only have the raised patio, which my husband built. Our house doesn't 'go' with a _real_ covered porch. -sigh-

Happy 4th of July

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the..."

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

The Feminine Energy said...

Yep, somebody's fibbing about the tree... and I suspect it's the person who would have been responsible for its removal. Just my opinion.

Oh what lovely porches, Ginny!! To me that's the best part of living in-town... seeing all the porches. I wish more houses had them. It seems like only the older homes have the traditional porches. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, these are charming porches. I especially like that yellow birdhouse. I love big porches too, and when I moved into this house in the mountains, I was so glad that it had a big porch. There is so much you can do with a big porch area. I am familiar with the Marcel Proust quote, and it's very true. Thanks for sharing.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Those porches are cute.

Mari said...

Charming is the right word! I love a porch.

Anne M Robinson said...

My guess is the owner failed to comply. As a renter through the years many moons ago, it seems very few owners of rental property are 100% honest. The house next door is a rental. Our good friend John lived there for years. He kept telling the rental agency about that dying tree and they put it off. When this young couple moved in, they complained that they would move unless that dying 60 some year old tree was removed. It was taken out. Funny thing was, the original owner planted every single tree in this neighborhood. He now resides in an assisted living center and those of us in our homes are constantly stuck with the bill for these ancient trees. We have had to remover 3 of the 7 trees in your yard. It seems never ending.
That porch is quite charming. :-)

My Tata's Cottage said...

Oops, it was our tree in our yard not your tree. Sorry for the typo. We once had a landlord who took our rent money for 2 years before the bank foreclosed on the property and we were left scurrying to find a place to live. By the grace of God we met a gentleman who helped us get a mortgage and set us up with a lovely realtor who found this house for us.It was a true miracle. Except for the trees...
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

I have often said I wish we had a porch. Your neighbors have very pretty ones, decorating them beautifully. I read your note about the downed tree. We have just had two very large ones cut down. It hurt us to do it as they have been there since we moved in 35 years ago. However, they were both dying and we could not stand the thought of our neighbors and ourselves being in danger of a falling tree.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well that homeowner is lucky that the tree did not fall ON someone -- a child! -- injuring or killing them. The porches are SO charming. I love a spacious and well-appointed porch more than just about anything. xoxo

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The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...