Monday, July 26, 2021

Lidl's Not So Little

 Have you ever herd of Lidl, or do you have one nearby? They are a German owned supermarket that is in most of Europe and the U.S.A. They are sililar to Aldi, but bigger. And have great prices. A new one just opened in a nearby city, so we went today and checked it out. Come shopping with me!

These shelves of Sunflowers were just inside the front door.

I was surprised by how large they are.

They have a well lit wrap-around bakery.

And this entire row is their seafood dept.

They have a nice produce department, which I was unable to snap because it was too crowded. They also sold power tools,clothes, ironing board covers, and many other things.

Their paper bags are very thick and nice, but they cost 8 cents each. And you must bag yourself. A preview of next week's sales is at the door out.

And on the way out, we saw a row of tiny shopping carts for the little kids.

“Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.”  ~Bo Derek

“When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping.  Men invade another country.  It's a whole different way of thinking.”

  ~Elayne Boosler


Hootin Anni said...

What a great store. I love to go shopping. I must be honest tho, I've never seen potted sunflowers before.

Ann said...

I've never heard of this store. It looks really nice and oh my that bakery. I wish ours looked like that. I would have bought one of those sunflowers.

DawnTreader said...

We have Lidl in Sweden, I'm not sure I've ever been inside one though, as the one in my town is in a district across town that I rarely have reason to visit. Looks much like many other chains of big supermarkets to me though - potted sunflowers included :) (I bought one earlier in the summer, I was wondering if it would grow taller, but it hasn't.)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was about to say we don't have any here when I realized they could have built one in the past two years and I wouldn't know so I checked and there are none in the state of Florida it really looks like a super great store nice and clean and the prices are fantastic. I would have bought a couple of those sunflowers I've never seen them that cheap

Martha said...

I wish we had those stores here in Florida, it looks great!

Red Rose Alley said...

Wow, it looks like this is a wonderful store, and what a selection of foods and other items. Have never heard of them, but I think I would have stayed in that bakery section for a long time. And that seafood isle would be a seafood lover's dream. I hope you found lots of goodies to take home with you. : )


Chatty Crone said...

We are lucky here where I live - we have a few of them around us - one a mile away. Good store.

Jeanette said...

I have never heard of that store but it does look similar to Aldi's. I think it's so cute when I see small children pushing those small carts!

crafty cat corner said...

We have had a Lidl for a few years now and a new one has just opened 5 mins long the road. I LOVE Lidls for all sorts of things.
We have a Waitrose also close by so we now have the best of both worlds all within a short drive.
Enjoy Ginny, I bet you'll be back there shortly, it's that kind of shop, lol

The Feminine Energy said...

Ooooh, I would love to have one of those stores nearby me. I had never heard of them, Ginny. How wonderful! I think I would actually enjoy shopping there! Even me, the consummate hater of all things called "shopping". *hahahaha* This was a fun post... thank you for taking us along. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Ruth Hiebert said...

That looks like a nice place to shop.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

They should be sending you a cheque for all this free (and positive) publicity!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

It's not nice to be a "Downer" but....

I want to know where my food is coming from. And I research this.

Such research is an eye opener.

Not all foods are raised, or prepared for sale, with good practice rules. Especially in other countries.

Those which are not, I do not buy.

And we all are old enough to know, that we get what we pay for.

So if things are cheap, there is a reason.

In other words, I'd not want to consume cheap food, found is such a store.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

We have an Aldi's not too far from us but no, I have never heard of them. Great prices indeed!!!

Mari said...

I never heard of them, but they sound like a wonderful store. We do have Aldi's here.

Veronica Lee said...

There's no Lidl in Malaysia but I've shopped in one in Switzerland. It was a very nice store to shop.

Happy Wednesday!

DeniseinVA said...

I have been in Aldie but not in Lidl yet. It looks an impressive store.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks for the tour, and I love that last quote!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've never heard of Lidie, but it looks like a great store.

Jenny the Pirate said...

We got a Lidl several years ago and I have been inside the doors exactly one time. Your post has inspired me to drive over there and try it out again. xoxo

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