Friday, July 30, 2021


 This evening we went up on the hill. There wasn't a spectacular sunset, but we did get to watch the Chimeny Swifts twirling and flying down the chimney at twilight.

The white cat watched them, too. But they were way too fast and high for her.

      Chimney swifts have been in a long-term decline for the last 50 years. Since the mid-1960s, their population has dropped by 65 percent. Since chimney swifts are protected by federal law.

·        Chimney swifts spend nearly all their time in flight! Because of their spindly legs they can’t perch, so they feed and drink on the wing. When they’re not flying they hang out in chimneys – if you’re lucky, not yours.

O Lord, when will my span of years come to an end?
Will I be strong in fervor as I come round that bend?
Will I be faithful to all You've asked me to do?
Will I lay all my selfishness aside
And run swiftly as the wind to You?

Carmela Patterson


Hootin Anni said...

I've only seen them flying. In some parks there are man made "chimneys" built especially for these birds.

(Pretty kitty).

Nancy Chan said...

I have seen birds flying into trees to rest for the night and making a lot of noise. I don't know what birds they are. The white cat seems to be waiting for the birds to come down onto the ground. I like the prayer by Carmela Patterson.

Ann said...

I have never seen a chimney swift. It must be exhausting not being able to perch all day.

DeniseinVA said...

Interesting photos and information. I have never seen the chimney swift. Lovely poem!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are safe, no chimney here, and i only lived in one home with a chimney for 6 months as an adult and 2 years as a child in KY. poor birds, i bet they get tired .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our birds are gone, have been for months, no birds and no vultures.

Red Rose Alley said...

Have never heard of Chimney Swifts before. That must have been a sight for you to see them flying about. It must be tiring for them to spend nearly all their time in flight. It reminds me of the hummingbird. It seems they hardly ever sit still, always in flight. Such perseverance. You know, I have a white cat that hangs around my neighborhood too. It's pretty, but don't like it staying in my yard for too long haha.

Thank you for sharing your precious verses with us each time. I always appreciate them.....and your wonderful photos. Have a peaceful weekend.


The Feminine Energy said...

I wish someone would humanely trap that cat and get her indoors, before the snow flies. :-( Yes, autumn is on its way... 31 more days of summer and out she goes for another year. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Their flight is beautiful...

And that white cat is, also.... -smile-

🌞 😊 🌞 😊 🌞

photowannabe said...

Fascinating information

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great captures. Around here it is a thrill to see one or two of these special birds.

CheerfulMonk said...

I didn’t know that about chimney swifts… that much take a lot of energy. I’ll have to look them up. Love the cat.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've never heard of chimney swifts. How do they get any rest if they can't perch anywhere. I'll have to look them up to see why they like chineys.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Wonderful quote ... and I knew zero about chimney swifts until I read this post! Fascinating. xoxo

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