Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Big Bite

 What a beautiful tree! But strangely enough, it looks like someone took a huge bite out of it! I wonder what happened? There are no wires around, or anything else that would have gotten in the way of it.

“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.”

Thomas Jefferson


Tanya Breese said...

Haha it does look like a bite was taken!

a spirit of simplicity said...

It does look like someone took a bit out of it! It is a beautiful home though.

Hootin Anni said...

Hmmm. Wonder if this is natural or it was trimmed for infestation or a limb broke.

Ann said...

Well what do you know. It does look like a bit was taken out of it. It also makes it look like a giant gnome hat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photo is wonderful, the one in the header is perfect and I did not notice the bite when i saw the header, but it does look like a bite. still beautiful though as is their entire property. wow, i wish i had read this quote back when I was 38 and did something really stupid that had a hidden hook

The Feminine Energy said...

Isn't that funny how some trees grow? It does look like a big bite was taken out of it... but boy, is it ever still gorgeous!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Jenny the Pirate said...

Wow that's a great TJ quote and I love the shape of that tree! So interesting. xoxo

Rose said...

That is a beauty for sure, bite or no bite. But the setting as a whole is wonderful, too.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Yes! lol

But the whole photo is still lovely. The whole blog look!!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Re: my blog

The Tom Brady programs are only on ESPN+. For which you have to pay. So I will not be seeing it.

But I wanted to put all those links together, in one place. Just for me. I don't expect anyone else to want it. -smile-

But yes, the quote is wonderful!

It was in the football locker room, in the Michigan college he went to, so he saw it, every day, of his college years. I guess it influenced him.

🏈 🐐 🏈

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Perhaps a branch broke off when the tree was young???? It sure does look like something took a huge bite, for sure!

Carol said...

I wonder if there were ever wires that ran near it, but it makes for a nice photo and conversation. I love the house as well.

Mari said...

The whole scene is so pretty! And that tree does look like it was bitten. But it sure is gorgeous!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It would be interesting to know what happened. It is a beautiful tree even with a bite taken out of it.

Red Rose Alley said...

That really is a beautiful looking tree. Looks just like Autumn. Strange how it's growing though with no branches on the right side, hmmmmm. The pictures of the tree and the white picket fence are so lovely.


Jeanette said...

Maybe a big branch broke off in a storm! It does look like a bite, though!

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