Monday, November 29, 2021

Neon Spiders

 You simply will not believe what we parked next to at Wal-Mart. A spider car. Now, this was about two weeks ago, way after Halloween.

A big spider on top of the car.

And big spiders all over the back.

Not only that, but each spider was WIRED, as you can see, and lit UP!

And INSIDE...well, we won't even talk about that. Enough to make me completely forget WHY I came to the store in the first place.

“Worse than seeing a spider is suddenly no longer seeing that spider.”


“The spiders with their pot-bellied bodies and beady eyes, are not beauteous objects, but a spider-web in the sunshine with dew upon it, is one of the loveliest things in the world.”

~Dorothy Scarborough


Nancy Chan said...

You live in an interesting place. The driver is still enjoying the Halloween. It must have taken him a lot of time attaching the spiders onto the cars and getting them wired and lighted.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's interesting! They must love Halloween.

Ann said...

Someone sure does like their Halloween. I wonder, since it was 2 weeks after, if they keep that on the car all the time.

Hootin Anni said...

Hmmm, creepy critter choice, but the fact they light up is awesome.

a spirit of simplicity said...

Oh my goodness!!! I think I'd rather ride with the queen.

Jeanette said...

Interesting! Looks like someone went to a lot of trouble to decorate their car!

Rose said...

You see some of the strangest cars!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't decide if your town does strange things and does more decorations than ours or if it might be they do it here, but we never go out to see it. the only cars I see are in WM parking lot, but that is at 6 am and the people who drive this car are not 6 am people. i agree you do find the most unique things all the time

Sandi said...

Why what why? Maybe it is an advertisement for a pest control company.

Chatty Crone said...

Your town is my kind of town.

I love it - I have light bulbs for Christmas and reindeer antlers to put on!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YIKES! And that would definitely creep me out...if I were up close and personal, that is. But I'm here, and your blog is there...all good...I don't like

Ruth Hiebert said...

That gives me the creeps.

Mari said...

Yikes! I can't believe the crazy things you see!

Carla from The River said...

YIKES!!! Ginny, you do see the most interesting things!! I would not like this car at all.. I do not like spiders or how weird these look with lights. Just Plain Weird.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, someone really loves to decorate for Halloween. I do think spiders have a bad rap. They are fascinating little creatures, and your quotes are perfect. That's not to say I wouldn't be startled if one suddenly ran over me. And I'd be leery of the poisonous ones. You captured this car beautifully!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh that's just nasty! Me eyes! Me eyes! haaaha xoxo

Gayla said...

Oh no! Not for me!.I couldn't drive in that car!

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