Saturday, November 20, 2021

November Trip

 Going Christmas shopping today, we came up behind this on a very busy highway. He was not peddeling, and the wheels were so thin. We still don't know what kind of contraption this was.

The stores have been MOBBED, with almost no spots left in the parking lots. I don't ever remember it being this bad this early. How about where you are?

“Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.”



Linda said...

I'm not a really big shopper but I haven't noticed much difference here in North Texas.....

Hootin Anni said...

In some places. I noticed that at Hobby Lobby & Home Goods many many cars in the lots. But didn't go into either. It was the weekend. I don't go on weekends. Always too crowded for me. 9 a.m. is best time.

ashok said...

Lovely trip

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no mobs in Walmart at 6 am, which is the only time i shop, I did go after 7 one day because customer service opens at 7. i think it was about 9 and it wasn't bad. but i went to Hobbly Lobby Thursday at 10:30 am and it was mobbed and no place to park. i was the only one in the store wearing a mask.. I left

Jeanette said...

Everyone seems to be getting their shopping early this year!

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the beautiful sky. The stores seemed busier than usual when we went grocery shopping this week, but I guess that could be because of Thanksgiving.

Rose said...

I do not shop on weekends unless it is absolutely I don't know. I would not want to be on that contraption on a busy street.

The Feminine Energy said...

Youngest daughter & I hit up shopping places both Friday & Saturday and commented that everyone was far busier on Friday than on Saturday, which we thought was strange. We were happy to get home tho, regardless! ~Andrea xoxoxo

DawnTreader said...

I suppose everyone wants to get their Christmas shopping done early so as to avoid the crowds... (ho-ho-ho) For my own part, I haven't got a lot of people to buy presents for, but I still started super-early this year - including Christmas cards.

DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed the photos, the man on that tricycle thingy from his posture looked comfortable. Don’t think I would have taken it anywhere with lots of traffic though. We went grocery shopping this morning. It was on impulse because we normally are out on a weekday. The shop was hopping and we had to drive to the furthest point to get a spot. We thought we would have a long line to the checkout but we were only one behind at the cash register. People seemed to be in a happy mood and I got several smiles and greetings from several staff and customers. I actually enjoyed myself :)

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. I enjoy reading the comments everyone left and I noted Sandra’s in particular. I only saw one or two people without masks. Everyone else wore them, including the staff and me.

Ann said...

I had to stop in Walmart yesterday afternoon and it was a total mad house. The lines were really long even at the self check outs. I've never seen it this busy this time of year.

Sandi said...

Beautiful steeple!

Red Rose Alley said...

Well, after 9:00 or so, the people start to come into the stores. We don't have many stores up here, only two grocery stores, a Rite Aid, a Sporting Goods store, an Antique shop, and the Dollar Store. But I try to go early to all of them to avoid the crowds. Mountain living is a bit different, and people come and go shopping, so I've never really seen anything that's overly busy, add it's one of the things I like about living here. We don't have a Target or Home Goods or anything like that, and if we did, I'm sure they would be filled. : )


The Green Pipe House

 This house is in the city of Charlottesville, about 1/2 hour away. I have always called it The Green Pipe House. I know nothing about it ex...