"A wise old owl sat in an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard;
why aren't we like that wise old bird?"
How many of you remember this little poem? It used to be quoted to me as a child, sorry I cannot find the author. Today I thought I would share some of the owl things we have around the house. The first is our tiny Owl & The Pussycat music box; remember when they set out to sea in a pea green boat? Then there is my small tin box from England, a couple of plates for the girls, an owl carving made from a single tree limb, see the tree rings on the top? The pillow is one I got for Ella when she was younger to help her with her nap, and finally the huge owl balloon I got her one Halloween. She gave me her opinion. "Owls are kind of like birds, but they're not!" I asked her why an owl was not a bird and she said "Because it's an owl; it can't be both an owl and a bird at the same time." Owls are associated with wisdom, and so are older people, but here's the real deal on that.
“I kept thinking, 'Experience will tell. The longer you live, the wiser you become.' But I see I was wrong—it's God's Spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty One, that makes wise human insight possible. The experts have no corner on wisdom; getting old doesn't guarantee good sense.”
Job 32