Sunday, March 11, 2012


On Friday evening, I was mocked! But it's not what you think. Friday was my birthday and the family took me to The Mockingbird Restaurant to celebrate! This was a really special place. As you can see, they had a glass window where you could see in the kitchen, there were at least eight chefs, one who just baked the breads.  Instead of the usual crayons and placemat to color, they gave Anne Marie an Etch-A-Sketch to play with while we waited. Then Phil showed her how to make a mouse from a napkin. The appetizer I decided to show you is deep fried mashed potatoes with three dips, unusual. I am not in the picture, because I am the one who took it, but I love it! Last but not least is the inside of the card Anne made me, I LOVE the hearts going up between us!! Don't know why she gave me grey curly hair, but I'll take it! I felt really special!! Now here is someone who is the most special of all, and not only was he not treated like it, he was also mocked.

“He had equal status with God but didn't think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn't claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.”
Philippians 2


Dawning Inspiration said...

Great post...

Love the pictures - those potatoes sound yummy and that sweet card is precious!!

SquirrelQueen said...

This looks like a really great restaurant. The fried mashed potatoes look delicious.

Anne Marie's smile is always a delight to see and the card she made is adorable. Looks like you had a great birthday Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Birthday were blessed and how neat to watch the Chef as he prepares the food....your little angel is too sweet....and yes to be like Jesus is my goal...."selfless" is hard for all our our lives we grow up gearing all things toward self...prosperity....good health...wealth...friends,pleasures,and then we come to the Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ and he bids us to follow him...
to crucifixion!

Alice said...

What a beautiful time that must have been.

I love that verse,it shows us so much about God's character...He never asks us to do anything HE wouldn't do himself.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a very sweet card - betting that one gets saved :-)

DawnTreader said...

You look very smart in that picture Anne drew of you :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the hearts flowing upwards, so cute and she got all the details, tell her i want some curls, i already have the gray. love that header clock too. how cool to see the cooks inside and that is great because it forces them to keep the kitchen clean. bet those tater tots were super

Bobbie said...

What a neat place! I love the card Anne Marie made for you!! So sweet with the hearts... It looks like you had a very special day of celebration on your birthday Ginny! Much love there!!

Autumn said...

Precious! Nothing like family time as the best birthday gift! Blessings.

Karin said...

We can certainly handle that kind of 'mocking', especially from our loved ones! Happy Birthday year Ginny. All God's best for you! Love your photos!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a nice birthday dinner...mashed potatoes, mmmm...Nice pics too

Remington said...

Happy belated birthday, my friend! Looks like a fun time! Thank you so much for the positive thoughts while I was ill this past weekend! I appreciated it!

Nature Rambles said...

Belated birthday wishes, Ginny! Looks like a fun evening you had. I like the card, the potatoes look yum, and enjoyed going through your lovely photos!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday.. Cannot believe how much Anne Marie is growing up.... What a beauty!

We are home from our 2nd trip is a month--and both of us have colds.. Yuk! Guess it will be REST for this upcoming week for both of us.


Stephanie V said...

How did I miss your birthday! Looks like you had a happy celebration!

Joanne said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! So what is this your...38th or 39th? Hey if Jack Benny could be 39 forever I think we could too!I love restaurants that you can see what is going on in the kitchen. makes me feel better about the quality.
Blessings, Joanne

From the Kitchen said...

Yum! What else did you have to eat? Love Anne Marie's card.


Mary Bergfeld said...

It sounds like a perfect way to celebrate your birthday. I love the card. I'm sending belated wishes your way. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

George said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful birthday celebration with your family. I had a great birthday celebration as well, but it sure was cold and windy while we were hiking.

LC said...

Happy late birthday! That card is a beautiful portrait of an obviously thoroughly loved grandmother. Glad you were surrounded by birthday blessings, including the great blessing of God's grace through his son!

Marie said...

Happy Birthday to you Ginny! So glad it was special for you. That picture of you and Anne Marie is so sweet! She is quite the artist! That restaurant sounds fabulous! Very different to give the kids etch a idea. I've been eating fried mashed potatoes for years, but I've never dipped them in anything. A cuban man I knew years ago sold them and his wife made them. Now recently I noticed that Publix sells them. They are sooo good.
Very lovely photos of your family!

FilipBlog said...

Congratualtions with your birthday. Your grandchild is having fun, I can see it. She always looks happy.


Tracy said...

ginny, I love the picture your grand daughter drew and you are beautiful!
Glad your special day was well, special!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am happy to hear that you were treated like the Queen you are.I love that card,these are the best kind.

Chatty Crone said...

I am thrilled for you and your birthday and Ginny - your family is looking at you so lovingly - you got the best gift of all in them. love, sandie

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures Ginny and happy belated birthday! Seems to be a great restaurant :)
Have a lovely day!


Hootin Anni said...

Oh my....looks like on fabulous time had by all. So glad to hear your birthday and YOU were special!! Deep fried mashed potatoes? Never heard of them, but boy howdy, would I LOVE to taste 'em!!!

Love all the happy, wonderful, and contagious smiles Ginny.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday Ginny. Looks like a nice celebration. Deep fried mashed potatoes sound really good

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Such LOVE..
Jesus coming to earth and dying for us, and Your family treating you on your Birthday.
I think Anne Marie's card says it all.. Those hearts rising, as the love in her heart rises for you....Beautiful. xx

Jeanne said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a very special place for a fun birthday dinner and that is a yummy looking appetizer!

Rose said...

Happy Birthday...late! Looks like you had a wonderful day.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

So do they have a reading of the Top Kill a Mocking bird?

You got a very cool husband with all his rapport with children.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Happy belated birthday! May God bless you in the coming year of your life. Have a great evening tonight and a fabulously nice day tomorrow!

Lynn said...

Oh belated Happy Birthday Ginny. What a great dinner that was. The appetizer sounds different and delicious. Did you like it? Love the card from Anne. She is just so cute in each picture and she is a budding artist too. Hope you long weekend was wonderful too.

Anonymous said...

Such a heartwarming post! Just beautiful, Ginny.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a wonderful restaurant Miss Ginny, it looked like the perfect celebration.

Here's sendin' you a great big birthday shout out...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Isn't it amazin' how much our Father loves us. 'Just mind bogglin'!

God bless ya and I hope you had the best birthday ever!!! :o)

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