Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Judas Tree

Behold the beautiful yet flawed Redbud tree, the next plant to bloom around here after the forsythia.  They are growing everywhere now, especially on the sides of the highways. But they are very sparse, and they have weakened branches, prone to breaking. The story goes that this was the tree that Judas Iscariot used to hang himself from, blushing it's white flowers to pink from embarrassment. Now it is very weak, refusing to grow strong enough for another person to hang again. The last picture will show you the strange way it blooms, the flowers coming right out of the trunk. As if in a hurry to make up for that long ago deed....

“Judas, the one who betrayed him, realized that Jesus was doomed. Overcome with remorse, he gave back the thirty silver coins to the high priests, saying, "I've sinned. I've betrayed an innocent man."
They said, "What do we care? That's your problem!"
Judas threw the silver coins into the Temple and left. Then he went out and hung himself.”
Matthew 27:3,5


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love Red Buds, Ginny. You have some gorgeous pictures. I'll post some of ours tomorrow...


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Ginny! I love redbud trees and your pics are so pretty. Aren't they pretty lining the highways? I just love seeing the pinks in the spring. I just wish they'd last longer. Hope you're doing okay! Take care.

SquirrelQueen said...

You are getting lots and lots of color in your area Ginny. The Red Bud trees here have not bloomed yet but it won't be long now.

I hope you are feeling better.

Alice said...

We have these all around. I didn't know about the Judas connection. I'll never look at them the same way.

From the Kitchen said...

I miss being there in the spring because I remember those redbuds brightening the landscape. The street I grew up on was lined with pink dogwoods. They should be bursting into bloom soon I think.

Beautiful photographs!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous! These trees must really brighten up the neighbourhood.

Unknown said...

I hope these beautiful, spectacular pictures are an indication that you're feeling better! Such an interesting story behind this lovely tree! Kind of a picture of how God brings beauty out of even the darkest situations, isn't it?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've never heard the legend behind the tree. We have quite a few of them growing in our woods.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i first got married and had little kids, my mother would call and say take me to ride and see the redbuds blooming. or take me to ride and see the azaleas blooming. she loved to ride, she would ride for hours and hours, the opposite of me. i complain if i have to drive five minutes to get somewhere. daddy was like me, now i wish i had taken her every time she called. i did take her but i always fussed about it. i had no camera 50 years ago, now i have time and money and car and would love to take her to ride and see the flowers. to late

S. Etole said...

That must be a wonderful sight when they are blooming.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your header and all your pink flowers - I love adore pink! sandie

Hootin Anni said...

I just learned recently about the red bud tree [they have heart shaped leaves, right?] from another blogger....but I did NOT know the legend to go with it. VERY interesting!!!

Arti said...

Very very beautiful Ginny. Never seen them here in India, dont think they grow here.
Thanks for sharing the pics!
Hope you are fine now, healthwise.
Have a wonderful day:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I never had heard this about the Redbuds. Interesting and touching. Have a wonderful day today!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I never knew that the red bud was also called the Judas tree. I'll look at them differently from here on in. I hope you are feeling better. Blessings...Mary

DawnTreader said...

Strange story to go with such a beautiful tree!

Glenda said...

We have redbuds growing here in Louisiana, too. Several of them growing together make a beautiful big bouquet! I had never heard the Judas story associated with them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love these red buds :)

Sharon said...

Thought my redbud was dead because of no blooms. It's a new addition. Found it has some leaves. I guess it takes a few years for them to be pretty. My flowering plum had a total of five(5) blossoms, it is a new addition too.

You have shown us some real pretty redbuds! I had a neighbor that had a huge one, it had to be very old, the trunk was 9-10" in diameter and stood higher than their house. A tornado took it down, such a shame.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, you are a well of information about many many things! I have never known until now that the red-bud has this story attached to it and is sometimes called the "red-bud" tree. Thanks for the post. Lovely pictures.

pam said...

I have never heard it called that before. All of our trees are in full bloom. Green leaves are erupted out of their tight buds. Lilacs are very happy. We had such a fake winter and Spring has erupted early. Hope you are feeling better. I've lost track of time...kind of consumed with hubby's back.

FilipBlog said...

Good pictures. I didn't know this was a Judas tree. We visited the mount of olives in Jeruzalem and the place where Jezus prayed thevnight before Judas betrayed him. He knew that this was going to take place.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh what beautiful photos, such a delight to see , take care,

Ann said...

What a pretty tree that is and quite the interesting legend behind it.

Deborah said...

Hi, The red trees are beautiful...a sure sign of Spring! Your granddaughter is adorable in her little squirrel outfit! Too cute!
And I have a big forthetha in my yard too. I love it! It's so beautiful.

LV said...

What a lovely post of those beautiful trees. I just love them and the tulip ones. As to our winters, this year very mild. I do not think it ever got to 32. Texas is under a heat and drought cover.

George said...

I wasn't aware that red bud trees were also called a Judas tree. But regardless of what it is called, it is a beautiful tree when in bloom.

Anonymous said...

I love driving around town this time of year to see these colors. My brother emailed me just last week to ask what the name of this tree was! Beautiful photos, as always, Ginny. Have a good night.

Reena said...

I love the red bud trees ... mine is slowly beginning to bloom.

Nature Rambles said...

These are stunning! But it's nice to know the story behind it. Judas tree...that's interesting!

Rose said...

I LOVE that first shot!

Becky Jane said...

When I saw this tree I knew it must be a Redbud. I planted one at our old house and it died so now I want to plant one at our new house when it's done...there is nothing like the shade of pink from a Redbud tree.

Your photos are stunning!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What an interestin story behind thisu tree! It looks so pretty all in bloom, Ginny,

LC said...

I had never known that name and story about the red bud. Before Hurricane Frederic hit our town in 1979, the street leading to the entrance of the campus where I worked was a canopy of redbud, dogwood and wisteria during spring.

Never again since. Those sources of spring pink, snowy white and purple never came back.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

You always have an interesting read with your photos. HOpe all is well with you and yours. Trying to do a bit of catching up slowly.

Darlene said...

Great photos of the redbud. I love how the flowers come right out of the stem. Thanks for the link that got me here.

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...