Saturday, March 3, 2012

If Jesus Had A Yard Sale

If Jesus had a yard sale, what would you buy? Well, the great thing is that he is giving away what he has. And that's a good thing, because no amount of money in the world could buy it. It is eternal life. We don't have to pay a thing, and we don't even have to be good enough to deserve it. He did all that for us, then bled and died to seal the deal. He gave us his life, our freedom, and pure grace. Now who would ever refuse such a great deal?

“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”
Acts 20:28


Dawning Inspiration said...

Fabulous post! I got that deal!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, this is a great post. I am once again amazed by the yards you find. I am imagining the folks who live there weren't going by Jesus' rules and had priced everything.

You asked about the kitties and the trees. They climb trees, ladders to the roof, jump up on our boat which is on a trailer and everywhere else. They have no problems climbing down.

DawnTreader said...

The photos are as hilarious as your message goes deep! What is that building? Is it a private house or a church hall of some kind?

Arti said...

This is such a heart warming post Ginny. When God gives you anything how can we or who are we to refuse it!!
Beautiful pics, have a nice Sunday:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That yard sale has a big space. Yesterday I went to our monthly Sands ( bereaved parents) meeting at a local community centre, The weather bommb cancelled the children's day celebration by another group. The Sands organisers were worried the children's party might upset the bereaved parents. The weather took care of it,

But the once a month Yard sale did not cancel their sale, they moved to the cover balcony, and children ran about. So the Sands mums had to put up with them.

I go to the Sands meeting to support the newly bereaved.

Jesus would certainly be welcomed among these hurting women and men,

Reanaclaire said...

Everything Jesus did was free... I think he will open a All Free Yard.. Salvation.. :)

Anonymous said...

He reached into his heart of love and said, Father I will pay the price for mankind's thankful this I know Ginny you are also .....thanks for the loving reminder this morning ....though I did not have to pay any price yet He paid dearly!

Alice said...

I love how you zoom out the pictures in this post. Very nice.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

If he was selling patience, I'd buy that ;-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Wonderful post.Have a blessed Sunday.

From the Kitchen said...

In my mind's eye, I see you and Phil driving down the road when you yell "STOP"!! And, Phil stops. I've seen lots of statues of Mary in yards but never one of Jesus. I love the words of your post today.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first and second photos are really cool, like art for a childrens book. this is a true find and a perfect sunday post. hugs, still not well or posting.

Deborah said...

Your absolutely right Ginny! Good post and that is a great yard sale!

Tanna said...

Great post, Ginny. And, aren't we so very thankful for His gift?! blessings ~ tanna

Karin said...

You do tell a fabulous story! Free for the taking! Thank you Jesus!

I've only had two garage sales in my life and have usually had a freebie table. Found that folks still wanted to 'dicker' on items marked 50 cents, but worth over $10 lol! After that I simply gave it all away to a charity instead of taking the time to set up and sell at a garage sale. First week-end in May and garage sales are the rage up here!

FilipBlog said...

Very inventive.


Stephanie V said...

I just loved that post...and the title was a grabber.

Tracy said...

Ginny, what a fabulous post...the title is a real attention grabber! Thanks for the reminder :)

George said...

This is a wonderful message -- better than the sermon I heard this morning. I also like your photo sequence.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh this was classic..just like you to put something like this together (lol)..but you sure nailed it- thanks..I missed you too!! Wishing you a wonderful day-

Ann said...

You do find the most interesting things. I'm up for those deals :)

momto8 said...

love this whole concept!!

Glenda said...

I think He would give away lots of fruits, too . . . fruits of the spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness . . .

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like this post...pic and message are great together

Chatty Crone said...

What a great way to get the message out - sandie

S. Etole said...

His free gift is all I need!

LC said...

Always amazed at your combo of unique photo subjects and eternal truths!

Annie Jeffries said...

This verifies one of my ultimate truths - God love laughter.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Ginny, the photos with the message are perfect! I've accepted that free gift!! Hope you had a nice weekend.

Marie said...

You're so right Ginny! Great post! Hope you had a beautiful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Ginny!

Hootin Anni said...

All that needs to be said of this post is....


Fred Alton said...

What a great post, Ginny! Jesus doesn't have yard sales ... just gives us the most precious gift of all. Free for us. Costly for Him.

RoeH said...

Great analogy. Loved the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, That yard truly reflects the character of the resident doesn't it? Nice post today as always. Have a wonderful day today and a great coming week!

photowannabe said...

Ginny, I love how you wove the yard sale pictures in with biblical truths.
You have a definite gift.

Anonymous said...

I Wanted to let you know Jacob,and I moved our blogs over to wordpress :)

and Jacobs

Jeanne said...

Thank goodness all God's gifts are Free!! Thank you for that reminder Ginny!

Rose said...

This is a wonderful post, Ginny.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I loved this post, Ginny. I feed the body, you feed the soul. Have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello There, Since I've been away from blogging for a week, I have alot of catching up to do. We had a wonderful trip to Arkansas --but it's great to visit with my blog friends. Hope things are going well with you.

Great post, Ginny... I love the way you take ordinary things and put them into blogs--using scripture... Awesome!!!! YES---Jesus gives us eternal life... What else do we need????

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What an unusual sight to see, Ginny. Someone took a lot of effort to make that image of Jesus as a shepherd.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful, thoughtful post!Sometimes we live like yard-sale people when in reality we're sons & daughters of the KING of KINGS!

Joanne said...

I'm IN!!!! love this post! very very cool and clever!
Blessings, Joanne

Linda said...

Now that's a yard sale with a deal you can't refuse! What an inventive way to get the message out!

Charlotte said...

What an interesting post. Wow, He has the most wonderful thing in the world to offer and it's free. Love it. Thank you for sharing.

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 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...