Thursday, March 29, 2012


I took these pictures one day while Ella was here watching the movie "Tangled". It is basically the Rapunzel story told from a modern viewpoint. Ella watched with great interest as Rapunzel was imprisoned in the tower, then climbed down by her hair. After that, Rapunzel went from one predicament to another, being chased by bad people. When the movie was just about over, Ella turned to me and made this comment "She should have never left that tower, Ginny!" I could hardly keep from laughing. Being in a tower is safe, for sure, but it never does get us anywhere.

“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners…”
Isaiah 61:1


SquirrelQueen said...

I've seen the trailers of this movie and it looks like fun. Ella comment is interesting but if you look at it from a child's point of view it makes sense. To kids Ella's age security and safety are very important. The adventure comes later.

Annie Jeffries said...

I was mulling over Ella's words as well. SquirrelQueen said it all.

Reanaclaire said...

I am sure Ella and your grandchild will love to watch these movies, Ginny..

FilipBlog said...

Funny story, adults are sometimes surprised about the thniking process of kids.


Anonymous said...

Ella is so cute...she looks so involved in the movie in the picture. Hope you all have a nice Friday.

Unknown said...

Amen, sister Ginny! Don't we all love, at times, to just stay in a "safe' place instead of pursuing all the amazing adventures God has in store for us! Sometimes I pray for Him to just improve my situation and yet He has something much better in mind, I just have to trust and follow Him!

Remington said...

Great is interesting how little ones see things....I have seen things so differently by listening to them....

Alice said...

It makes me think of Adam and Eve in the garden. They just should have stayed there:)

But adventure grows us up, hmmm?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We haven't seen Tangled. They do have it in the library so I could check it out, but I'm not sure how much the boys would like it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ella looks totally engrossed in the the story. I thank God that I am not imprisoned any more,He set me free.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as a child, Rapunzel was one of my most favorite stories, along with Snow white and Cinderella. I had a book of fairy tales and it was ragged by time i was a teen. i would have had a hard time not laughing out loud at ella's comment.

Bobbie said...

Ella looks so sweet laying there...
Marissa loves that movie! I hope you're feeling better Ginny. Have a great weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

We loved that show - it was really good.

And don't we just imprison ourselves sometimes when we don;t have too? sandie

Karin said...

Interesting comment from a youngster! Shows she is thinking things through and at the moment it made sense to her. Glad you all enjoyed some time together - good teaching opportunities I'm sure!

Sharon said...

Kids do see things differently, don't they?

I love your new header!!!

Glenda said...

Rapunzel was my favorite fairy tale growing up; guess I need to see the movie! Isn't it fun to "listen" to kids' thinking?

Stephanie V said...

I always wanted a tower room. I never knew the Rapunzel story when I was younger so I wouldn't have thought of it as a prison. It was close to the sky and would have a view. That's what I thought, anyway.

LC said...

Ella is definitely thinking about what she is watching.

George said...

We are never sure what kids are going to say as a result of watching a movie or TV. You got good shots from the TV, and Ella is definitely a cutie as she watches.

Tracy said...

Ginny, that is pretty funny...NO, she should never have left the tower and there are things we should't leave behind either; such as our faith! I loved looking at your blooming trees and the duck squabbling? oh dear...never have seen that with ducks before.
I am so glad you are back to feeling better...hugs...

Lynn said...

Hi Ginny, Love your header! You had good shots through the tv. I tried shots of the rose parade on New Year's but they did not come out nearly as well. Ella is quite the thinker and you should be so proud of her thought process. Stimulates wonderful conversations. Unfortunately with my CI, my grandchildren's voices are not clear all the time. When they repeat slowly I usually get it, but it is the spontaneous statements that truly show their heart and what they are thinking. You are blessed. Yes, that was a church in NC but it was last October and it is a pernament piece of their property. Mt. Calvary Baptist in Elk River, NC. Been waiting since October to share it. Are you feeling better with the meds? Blessings.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh what a delightful analogy sweetie.

I did so love the film. It's so true, we imprison ourselves when Jesus dies to set us free.

Live free my sister in Christ!!!

God bless ya sweetie and have yourself a blissful weekend!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute answer from a smart little girl... Yes---we might be safe in our 'homes' ---but then we will miss out so much on life!!!!

Have a great weekend.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Loved the movie. And the message. Grateful that He frees us completely. Hope you're feeling a ton better Ginny. Still praying for you

Ann said...

It's always interesting to hear a childs point of view. They have quite a different perspective on things.

S. Etole said...

He is our strong tower, isn't He?!

Love your bubbles!

Marie said...

That's a sweet pic of Ella. I can understand her comment since she's so young.
Have a great weekend Ginny!

momto8 said...

sometimes I feel like Ella .
thank you very much for your thoughts today. I am grateful for our blogging friendship. I appreciate you.
happy happy weekend. I don't know if you know my good results....all good!! Now time to gain perspective and give thanks.

Mary Bergfeld said...

You are right of course, but I love the judgment call she made. "Out of the mouths of babes..." Have a great weekend, Ginny

Joanne said...

I have never seen that movie. I have to check it out. Your Grand daughter looks so comfy watching the movie and what she said is very funny too!
Blessings, Joanne

Rose said...

Lorelei loves this movie! Well, I like it too....

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...