Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I got a really nice surprise when I went to visit my friend SweetMarie over at www.womentalkaboutlife.blogspot.com. She had just been given three awards and was giving them all to me! For once, I was rather speechless! Thank you so much, Marie! Please stop over and visit her, her blog is full of wonderful nature and wildlife photography, and what happens to be going on in her life. It is a cool place to visit.

The first award is The Sunshine Award

The next one is The Genuine Blogger Award

And the next one is The Hug Award

The Sunshine Award requires answering some questions,so here goes!
Favorite color: Teal
Favorite animal: cats
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Milkshakes or Coke
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
My Passion: I have many
Prefer giving or getting presents: Giving
Favorite pattern: Paisley or polka-dot
Favorite day of the week: Any day that I am with Phil
Favorite flower: Wildflowers and poppies

The Hug Award requires passing it on, so I am giving it to Monica, at
 http://dawntreader-picturebook2.blogspot.com/  She lives in Sweden and posts wonderful things!! It seems fitting to post this picture of a hug, since I was given The Hug Award! Picture taken by my daughter-in-law.

“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”
2 Timothy


Anonymous said...

Congrats my friend....well placed awards.....you are precious!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, Ginny... Since I don't participate in awards or giveaways anymore, I haven't kept up with all of the new awards out there... You are SO deserving.

Love that photo of your son and granddaughter. SO Precious!!!!!

Loved your answer about anyday you are with Phil... That's awesome. I feel the same way about George.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ginny...on your many awards! Wonderful picture of father and daughter.

About your question on my blog, it's eaten raw. The seeds aren't a bother at all. They're like kiwi seeds.

Sharon said...

Congratulations Ginny!

I see that you have already displayed them - nice!

Reanaclaire said...

What a SWEET lovely Picture, Ginny! I love this header.. leave it on..
Congrats on your great awards too!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Congrats Ginny and oh yes - what a sweet, sweet picture!

Joanne said...

"Favorite day of the week: Any day that I am with Phil"

What an awesome love you both have! I would love to hear more about how you met! Ginny congrats on your awards you deserve them! I find your blog so inspiring and a comfy place to be. Your pictures always suprise me and never fail to put a smile on my face.
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Congratulations on the awards Ginny, you are most deserving of the honor. I loved your answers to the questions especially favorite animal. That is a wonderful photo of Anne Marie and her dad.

Cambay Hotels & Resorts said...

Congratulations on the awards Ginny. Thanks for sharing

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Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a sweet picture :-) Congrats on your well deserved awards!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Ginny - you deserve all of these sweet awards! Love the picture of your granddaughter, just precious!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Congratulations on the awards, Ginny. You deserve everyone of them. I also have to tell you how wonderful the "hug" photo is. What a rare capture. It is truly beautiful and speaks volumes. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the header made me want to cry with joy it is so sweet. a wonderful beautiful pic of the two of them. it screams joy, love, happiness.
thanks for all the info on the hug award the only ones we match up on is the prefer giving over getting and of course any day with PHIL ha ha

Stephanie V said...

Now that is one sweet photo! Congratulations...you deserve it!

Rose said...

Now that is a wonderful photo! And congrats on the awards.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This pic is so sweet! Congrats on your awards

Remington said...

Congrats on the well deserved awards, my friend! LOVE the picture!

Reena said...

Congrats Ginny! I so love that photo of your son and granddaughter. Perfect love!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, Ginny, the image of the 'hug' and you having it huge on your header...well, it melts my heart. So precious is life, and this photo is the epitome of what life is all about.

Congrats on the awards.

George said...

Congratulations on your awards -- they are well-deserved. The picture of Anne Marie and your son is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this hug with all of us.

FilipBlog said...

It is an excellent picture, a good choice for your header.


Ann said...

I read Marie's post about the awards and I think she made an excellent choice in passing them on to you. You certainly deserve them :)

Patsy said...

Congratulations on the awards.
Thanks for coming by for a visit. I am bad or (good) about naming my flowers that way. I thank it is fun and then I remember where they came from.
Come back soon.

Glenda said...

What a great pic of a father's love for his child! I like to think that our Heavenly Father desires to "hug" us, too! Congrats on your awards!

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - I saw that she was going to do that and I can't think of anyone else who deserves these more. So congratulations. Love the two people in the header! sandie

LV said...

That is a wonderful honor being bestowed on you. You are deserving of them and much more. It was interesting learning a few details about you as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well deserved! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

Shug said...

Congratulations Ginny....I believe these were awarded to a wonderful gal.
Your picture is great and I did enjoy your new swirls..
have a great evening.

S. Etole said...

Blessings to you, Ginny. Teal is my favorite color, too.

Marie said...

You are very welcome Ginny! Such a sweet photo of your son and granddaughter! I just love your blog!

DawnTreader said...

Thanks Ginny. I could do with a hug today. Not been in good writing shape the last couple of days - sciatica on top of the usual problems.

Karin said...

What a great photo of your son and grandangel! Congratulations on those well deserved awards! God bless!

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 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...