Saturday, March 24, 2012


On the way home, I found something almost hidden behind a field.Thankfully, I had my camera with me.

"God's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field.”
Matthew 13:44

I want to thank all of you for your wonderful words and prayers, it means so much to me!! So here is my health update. This week, I went to the University Hospital three times for tests and had many conferences with the doctor. Thankfully, I was not admitted, but was so sick that I almost wished I had been.  They are now thinking I may have an auto immune disease, which requires a biopsy to diagnose. But they are temporarily bypassing the biopsy and starting me on the medicine for it. So if I get better, I likely have the disease. If I don't, then more testing. I should know in a week or two.


Arti said...

Oh! Beautiful pics. Hope all goes well for you Ginny. You are in my prayers, daily.
Hope to see you back to full health again.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are gorgeous photos Ginny.
It's good to hear from you. I hope the doctors can figure out what the problem is so they can get you on the right treatment.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You feeling much better now?

No, I don't have any idea what happened to my friend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know i am praying and will continue to. the last 3 of your photos look like there is a fire in the woods. so beautiful and that verse is perfect and although i have read Matthew many many times, i don't remember this verse.

Alice said...

Love the sunset. I hope you get some resolution on your situation shortly!

Not knowing is so hard.

Reanaclaire said...

You will be beautiful, Ginny... just like in the pictures you captured! The Lord will take good care of you...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Ginny,
You're in my prayers my friend.
Big hugs!


Hootin Anni said...

My goodness!!! You have 'been through the wringer' on this...I do hope they can find a cause and you can heal quickly. I know it can't be 'fun' at all, for you.

Hootin Anni said... the way, love the quote from the Bible, AND the striking images you shared.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Like a big ball of fire in the woods.

Hoping you start feeling much better soon, Ginny!

Anonymous said...

Powerful is the LIGHT ....Happy Sonday

Sharon said...

Nice pictures, Ginny!

Happy Sunday! I hope the doctors get you sorted out soon and you're feeling better.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Keeping you in my prayers.I trust the medication will have the desired results.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, your light is shining brightly in this blog! What a remarkable person you are. May the Lord add His strength to your body and completely heal you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, My love and prayers are with you --as you continue to struggle healthwise. I hope that the new medication helps --and that they find out the root of what is wrong with you, and can FIX it!!!!!

God Bless You, Special Friend. Just remember that we are all praying for your recovery.
Prayers and HUGS,

From the Kitchen said...

Here you are!! So glad to hear from you and hope that the medication works well and quickly. Still sending prayers and best wishes your way. Love the fiery sunset
among the trees.


George said...

I'm glad you always have your camera handy. We'll continue to keep you in our prayers and we hope the medicine helps you feel better and return to health.

DawnTreader said...

Good to see you posting again. Hope the medicine will prove helpful and that you'll start to feel better soon.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Beautiful pics.....still praying for you Ginny. it's awful to not feel well

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm thinking of you Ginny. I wish there was something more I could do. Know that you are in my prayers. Blessings...Mary

S. Etole said...

Hope you will soon feel well and can be out and about again.

Shanda said...

I'm so sorry about your health issues. I'm praying as I write that the meds will work and that the Doctors will find the cause.

FilipBlog said...

Looks like the woods are on fire, I wish you a speedy recovery.


Glenda said...

Hope your doctors can find the cause of your illness soon. Not knowing is always difficult. Take care of yourself!

LC said...

Ginny, how typical of you that in the midst of all your health challenges right now you would capture these remarkable images of God's beautiful world and that even with all you are going through you share the Word inspired and the Word His Son.

My prayers continue for you, Phil and all the medical folks who are involved in your care. And my prayers also include a "thank you" to God for you and your spirit of sharing healing and joy.

Karin said...

It's this waiting part, this uncertainty that's difficult to deal with. Trusting the Lord to touch your body with His healing! You're in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for updating us. Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

I have asked Sandra how you are and have been praying. What autoimmune disease? I hope they can find a cure. Prayers and hugs. sandie

Shug said...

These are beautiful pics. At first, I thought it was a brush fire, and to my amazement, it was a gorgeous sunset.
Hope you are feeling better...thinking of you.

Rose said...

Beautiful pics, Ginny. I am glad you are home...I just hope and pray they can give you some real relief. I had not fogotten, but I have had Lorelei and let me tell you she keeps us busy...especially me.

momto8 said...

well whatever the outcome you are in good hands. God bless you. your living faith is an inspiration to many.

LV said...

Always enjoy your visits, but hate to hear your health issues are not too good. I trust all gets worked out for the best. We have a man in our church that has completely lost his immune system. He seldom get out anymore and when he does he wears a big mask, gloves and whatever. Take care my friend.

Ann said...

Well I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You just get better :)
Lovely shots, the sky is such a gorgeous color

Unknown said...

Stunning photos, I'm so glad you had your camera! Will continue to pray for answers and that you feel much better!

Lynn said...

Beautiful shots Ginny. What a blessing this post is both for the photos and for having you back with us. Thank you for the update.I hope you are feeling better. Glad they could postpone the biopsy and try the meds first. Keeping you in my prayers. Hugs,

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...