Saturday, March 10, 2012

Here Comes The Sun

“Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right”

The Beatles

"When told the reason for Daylight Saving time the old Indian said, "Only a white man would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of the blanket and have a longer blanket."  ~Author Unknown

YES! It's finally Daylight Savings Time! Did you remember to set your clocks forward? And speaking of clocks, here are some very cool ones that I have snapped recently. The first one is the kind that comes apart each hour then comes back together. The second picture is a clock of mine that I used a kaleidoscope effect on. And the last two are really a clock end table! On my next post I will turn the clock back a few days and show you my birthday celebration!

"You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again."  ~Bonnie Prudden

But I trust in you, LORD;
I say, “You are my God.”
My times are in your hands;
Psalm 31


SquirrelQueen said...

I love your header photo Ginny. Those are some great looking clocks. The one that comes apart and goes back together must be fun to watch. I just set all of our clocks ahead so now it seems really late.

Kilauea Poetry said...

We don't have daylight savings time here.
That song is sure a memorable one! Enjoyed all the clocks and quotes- nice job on time Ginny-

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are wild, love the end table and your kaleidoscopic is really cool. i love the jeweled one to and i waas going to say which one is my favorites. so here goes, I love them all the best...and i agree with that Indian one hundred percent. i told bob the day is the same amount of daylight no mater what THEY do to the clocks. AZ is looking better and better....

Anonymous said...

That story had me in splits! Great post...and I really loved your photos!!

From the Kitchen said...

I'm with the Indian gentleman! Love the clocks. Can't wait to come to your birthday!!


Ann said...

Very cool collection of clocks and I like that first quote.
I didn't have to bother with most of my clocks since they change automatically

Bobbie said...

Ginny, I loved this post! I especially love the indian quote.. can I copy this and put it on my facebook? That gave me a good laugh this morning..
I can't wait to see your birthday celebration!!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I do like that first clock, someone had a creative mind. Hope all is well with you and yours. Happy Daylight Savings.

Stephanie V said...

Your opening story had me giggling. That is exactly how I feel!
I love your sun header photo - gorgeous and happy-making!

Joanne said...

That old Indian was right! I don't like daylight savings. It takes me forever to get used to it! Love Love Love the clocks!
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures of clocks :) We don't change the time here In Europe until 25th of March, so still a few weeks to go. Have a lovely Sunday!


Sharon said...

I really love your new header, it's very cool!

Sigh... I hate daylight saving time, it messes me up, and messes my pills up besides.

Those are some very pretty clocks!

Karin said...

Still have to re-set all my watches and the one in the car. Otherwise I LOVE that up here we all agree on changing our clocks for the next few months. Love that it stays lighter longer in the evening that way! Oh, I know sunrise and sunsets are set by the Lord and our clocks don't change His system. Wonder what it will be like to live eternally without the restrictions of TIME! Yes, for sure, my time is in God's Hands - have that on my blog!! Have a fabulous week-end! Those clock photos are wonderful!

Tracy said...

Ginny, I love your header but those clocks are awesome! I especially love the intricate designs on the second...Beautiful and I love the quote-

RoeH said...

I agree with the wise old Indian. I hate DST - always have - always will. It's totally not necessary. And it makes the sun go down in the western northern states at 11:00 pm. Hate it Hate it. Clocks are nice though and I want the sun in your header. Love that. :)

DawnTreader said...

Oh NO. Time for the Big Confusion. Ours does not start until two weeks from now though. But like your Indian, I never saw the point. I'd prefer to keep the same time all the year round.

Rose said...

I must say I agree with the Indian...totally agree. I heard someone on the news last night saying we would have more daylight...I just shook my head...

Marie said...

Love the Indian quote! Pretty pics of clocks Ginny. And now I'm really looking forward to your birthday celebration post. My hubby's birthday was the 6th. Is that close to yours??

Shug said...

Raining here for several days now...we do need it though!
Here comes the Sun...great song!
Great look with all the clocks! We remembered and all went well this morning..Have a great Sunday afternoon.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Pierce would love this post - he's really into clocks right now!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your header photo is perfect for ushering in DST. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Ruth Hiebert said...

I really like that clock end table.

FilipBlog said...

You have a few special shots of there clocks.


barbara l. hale said...

I am grateful that I have a son who bought me an alarm clock that automatically updates to daylight savings time. I truly hate springing forward but at least I don't have to mess with my clock twice a year. Nice clock pics!

Glenda said...

I like your opening quote . . . and I dislike losing my hour of sleep last night! You always have such unique, interesting photos!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Love that Beatles lyric. Your posts are usually very artistic and today was no exception. Have a super good coming week!

Platanos Mangoes and Me! said...

I saw your comment on One Perfect bite and the liquor was called ABSENTE.
Like your blog and going to follow/

Fred Alton said...

Yep, I set all the clocks ahead last night. Had full intentions of taking my hours leisurly drive by going to church this morning ... but when the time came I was just too sleepy. That's the major thing since this last chemo ... seems I want to sleep all day and all night. I'm not complaining about that ... just thankful it's not the nausea and stomach problems like I had the time before. I love that story about the Indian and cutting a foot of the top of the blanket to make the blanket longer!!! ☻

LV said...

I never get adjusted from one time change to another. My body does not change just because the time does.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your header. You are right - we can't go back and fix things - but we can go forward better. sandie

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love this Ginny...the cool clocks.....the quotes and verse....and that header is very awesome

LC said...

I always enjoy your daylight savings time posts. The quote about the blanket cracked me up!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I told my husband tha Indian quote yesterday, Ginny! He laughed and said it wsas so true.

I did miss the hour of sleep today, but I do like more daylight in te evening :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Love the clocks but not so much, time change. Why oh why are we still doing this?

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