Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Health Update

Hi everyone! I have been continuing to be quite sick, and my doctor ordered an immediate C.T. scan for today. So I have been in the hospital most of the day with that. They are thinking of either admitting me for I.V.'s or doing a biopsy, my doctor will call tomorrow with the next step after she sees the scan. So my posting and commenting will be very uneven until I feel better. Hope you understand if you don't see me visiting much or as often, I will when I am able. See you later!


Ruth Hiebert said...

I have written your name down and added it to my prayer list. Hugs.

From the Kitchen said...

I've asked for prayers and well wishes for you on my blog post this evening. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Phil. Take good care my dear friend.


Glenda said...

I will be praying for you, Ginny. Please don't worry about posting/commenting while you are sick; everyone understands.

Annie Jeffries said...

I've placed you on my prayer list, Ginny. Be well. You are in my thoughts.

Sharon said...

Love that poppy!

I hope everything gets sorted out and you are feeling better soon!

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I hope you feel better soon. The blog universe just isn't the same without you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Joanne said...

Oh Ginny I am so sorry your aren't feeling well. Prayers are on their way.
Blessings, Joanne

Unknown said...

Praying for you! So very sorry to hear this! Don't even think about commenting or posting right now!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had 24 prayer answers, i did a post asking for prayer for you yesterday and 24 comments and prayers. tell phil to keep me posted, i am bwaking like crazy

Remington said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers, my friend! Please take care and know we are all thinking of you and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Ginny I will be lifting you up ....we love you and will patiently wait for your full blast return.....

Alice said...

My prayers are with you Ginny.

Monica T. said...

Glad to find a personal update from you, I read Sandra's post yesterday. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. <3 Monica

Nikki (Sarah) said...

praying for you Ginny......get better asap okay.....and sending you a ton of hugs.

Anonymous said...

We have missed you and will continue to pray for you. Take good care of your self.
Jean from Memphis.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Feel better soon Ginny.

RoeH said...

I'm so sad you're not feeling up to par. Hopefully the doctors will be able to be much help to you. Love ya.

Stephanie V said...

Thinking of you...hope there's an answer soon.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny, do not worry about visiting at a time like this...we are all praying for you two. Hope they can figure out what to do to help you.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny I hate this and I have you written in my prayer journal. Take it easy and don't worry about us. Get Well. Love yah.

Val said...

Adding you to my prayer list...

Anonymous said...

i will keep you in my prayers, I'm a new follower from A writers kitchen, please be well.

photowannabe said...

Prayers for you Ginny and praying for a good report.

Karin said...

So sorry that you are sick dear Ginny! May the Lord grant wisdom that the medical team will find just the right treatment for you! Talking to the Great Physician about you! Hugs!!

FilipBlog said...

Ginny, so sorry to hear this. I wish you all the best and hope for good news.


Dawning Inspiration said...

Ginny - you are in my thoughts and prayers... your hubby and family, too. Love...

Marie said...

Ginny you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourself.

Neal said...

Hang in there Ginny. I love your header.

Ann said...

Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. Get well soon Ginny

LC said...

Prayers for you and Phil.

Judy Royal Glenn said...

Get well soon:) You'll be back at snapping photos soon:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You are in my continuing prayers! Have a better day tomorrow!

Arti said...

Wish you get well soon. Take Care Ginny.
Always in prayers, God Bless.

momto8 said...

I just added you to tonights prayers. Count on prayers!!!

Bobbie said...

I'll be praying for you Ginny! Get better soon!!!

Fred Alton said...

Oh, my dear sister in Christ! May the Lord reach down into the room wherever you are and touch you with His healing hand; may the Lord give you complete and total healing in your body; renew every blood cell and vessel and make you whole. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers.

Lynn said...

You are in my prayers Ginny. Get well soon. Bless your heart for doing this update. Just get yourself well. Everyone will be with you in their thoughts and prayers and will be here when you get back. Blessings.

George said...

Betsy has been keeping me updated on your situation. I just want you -- and Phil -- to know that you are continuing in our prayers.

momto8 said...

how did everything go yesterday? did you feel my prayers?! grace all around you.

Lady Jane said...

Oh my dear Ginny I didnt know you were still having probs. You are in my prayers my sweet girl. Please get well soon and I hope they find the prob quickly. The not knowing is terrible. I too am having some more health issues and I hope it gets under control soon. Mine is my colitis but at least I know the prob. Prayers going up for you. Love LJ

Anonymous said...

be well soon,

S. Etole said...

Continuing to pray for you, Ginny. Your poppy is beautiful!

SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Ginny, I hope you are feeling a little better. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

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