Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting A Bit Squirrely

Well, what have we here? It's a little squirrel named Anne Marie, and this squirrel can sing and perform! Anne and her class sang two performances at local schools recently. It was a spring program, and each child was dressed as an animal. Unfortunately, I missed both performances, but Anne and her parents came to see us after one of the shows so I could get a first hand look! This may be the only time I will say that my granddaughter is a bit squirrely! But then again, how many squirrels do you know who can sing and do the split??

“Let Wilderness turn cartwheels,
Animals, come dance,
Put every tree of the forest in the choir—

 An extravaganza before God as he comes,
 As he comes to set everything right on earth,
 Set everything right, treat everyone fair.”
Psalm 96: 12,13


Betsy Banks Adams said...

That's got to be the cutest little squirrel I have ever seen. Your granddaughter is adorable!!!!!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Tell Anne Marie, there is no squirrels in Nz, she doing gym and doing the splits?

The squirrel, it came to yourgarden?

Mary Bergfeld said...

She really is a doll. I'm sure grandma had some "nuts" put aside for her. I hope you are feeling better.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness, I have seen lots and lots of squirrels but never one as cute as Anne Marie squirrel. I'll bet she is the sweetest sounding squirrel ever.

Remington said...

SOOOO cute! She is the cutest squirrel I have ever seen!

Unknown said...

This made me laugh! So cute and sweet , I know that little girl just steals your heart over and over and over..... I like the squirrel too, so cute, can I adopt him? oh maybe not - my husband would frown on this as he's been catching squirrels in our yard and transporting them to the countryside because they eat all his bird food! One more trip to the countryside might send him right over the top!

Alice said...

How adorable:)

From the Kitchen said...

Now there's a squirrel that even our Oliver could love! Anne Marie is the cutest little "creature" in that clever outfit.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sweet so adorable and I love the tail shot...great costume and she makes a beautiful squirrel and this is the first time ever i saw a squirrel do the splits. so glad she came by for you to share her with us.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Isn't she just the cutest squirrel?!?

Anonymous said...

Adorable photos of Anne Marie! I also loved your last post..the photos are amazing!

Anonymous said...

How sweet sweet is Anne Marie!

Karin said...

Loved your forsythias on Sunday's post, but love that cute little squirrel even more. So cute!

Trust you're feeling much improved. Am having an IBS flare up and was thinking of you! Hope you are getting the right treatment!

Shug said...

What an adorable squirrel you have there...She is so cute!
I love the programs that our kids are involved in at school...It allows their true talents to shine..

Have a great day..

Autumn said...

Aww! A cute little gray squirrel. Precious.

Sharon said...

She's adorable! That tail shot - priceless. You must love her to pieces. Sorry you couldn't make her performance. :( Maybe next time.

Marie said...

Ginny, you know I love squirrels! Anne Marie makes the cutest and most talented squirrel I ever did see! Love your header!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I would welcome a cute squirrel like that any time. I bet she was the cutest one in the school.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Preciously adorable!!

Glenda said...

She is soooo cute - and talented! I love the Psalm you chose; it's so perfect for this beautiful time of year. You are blessed to have your family so close to you, but I know that you know that! Have a good day, Ginny, and take care of yourself!

Lynn said...

Anne Marie is like a huge ray of sunshine in every post I see. I am "nuts" about this little talented squirrel who can sing and do splits! Hope you are feeling better and the new meds are working. Blessings.

DawnTreader said...

Very cute squirrel! :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, just jumping back in to answer your question. They are nearly identical to German schnitzel. The Japanese also have a version of cutlets much like that made by folks in Germany. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Such a sweetie. So nice that she could bring her performance to you. Hope you're feeling better.

FilipBlog said...

It is a very special squirrel :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Cute and talented. So glad that her family appreciates her artistic abilities both fine arts-wise and creative drama/dance-wise. Excellent little squirrel Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

thats the sweetest squirrel i have ever saw! Thankyou so much for visiting me today, I put your blog on my side bar so I won't miss a post!

Becky Jane said...

Cute little squirrel! I bet she loved performing for you.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little squirrel :)

Ann said...

Anne Marie is the cutest squirrel I've ever seen and so talented too. That costume is cute as can be

Chatty Crone said...

That is the cutest squirrel ever and she could come a build a home in my attic any time. That was sweet she came over to show her grandma. And is that medicine working? sandie

Neal said...

What a cutie!!

Fred Alton said...

What an adorable little "squirrell"! Anne-Marie must be an exceptionally gifted child - but then - so are her ancestors! Somehow I get the feeling that you and Phill truly enjoy spoiling this child.

LC said...

I love this cute little performing girl squirrel!

Rose said...

Oh, my, I bet Lorelei would love her...Lorelei was upset tonight because she 'can't wead!'...I told Sarah she needs to start teaching her to read.

George said...

This certainly is a cute squirrel. I wouldn't mind seeing a squirrel like her around our house.

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