Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Gaze Into The Future

Gazing Balls have been around since the 13th century, when they were made in Venice by skilled craftsmen. People thought they brought good luck and prosperity to a home, and they were thought to ward off evil spirits and witches. Many kings had them in their gardens, as well. Parents put them in the foyer so they could spy on their daughter's goodnight to their dates, and in the south they were placed at the gate in the front yard so the homeowner could see who was coming. This gave them time to either prepare refreshments or go and hide! Young women loved to gaze longingly into them, hoping to see their future, especially who their husband would be. The bible tells us it is not for us to know the future, and I certainly don't want to. It is enough to handle the present without the burden of  knowing the future, so I feel it is a real blessing not to know. Here is all of the future that I need to know.

“What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all—life healed and whole.”
1 Peter 1


SquirrelQueen said...

You really found some pretty gazing balls Ginny. I love the red one with the lighthouse.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful captures of the Gazing Balls, Ginny. And such interesting information about them. The same goes for me too. Who'd want to know what the future holds? It's best not to know!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ugh, I don't want to know the future either!

Love the gazing balls collection!

Remington said...

Very pretty! Maybe I will put one on Remington Drive this year....

Autumn said...

Great pics. Love how you put it all together for a meaningful post.

Yes, we have now 7 dogs. God blessed our family with a heart for them.

Unknown said...

Cool! Just plain old cool! You make my day!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny I did not know the history of the Gazing Ball...did not know ...MOM JUST KEPT THE LIGHT ON....STANDING TAPPING HER FOOT WHILE I CAME IN ... LOL her eyes were the Gazing Balls....
Yes we have an awesome God who was and is all that I ever need ... he has proven time and time again, over and over, His Love to me.

From the Kitchen said...

We have lots of gazing balls around town and I love them. Our former dalmatian, Argos, liked to look at himself in ours!!


Darlene said...

Very interesting about the history of gazing balls. You found some really beautiful ones. I agree with you about knowing the future. I am just happy knowing that God is in control of the future.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, this is a very informative post! I'd never heard their background but of course have seen a few of them around. As for knowing the future - all I need to know is found in God's word. I often pick up a Bible and refer to Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and other references while watching the evening news. It's amazing how much God reveals about the future. I've never been one to try and speculate on the #666 or who the beast is, or who the antichrist is but I do find Revelation and Daniel of great interest in telling what the future will bring.

Karin said...

Very interesting post! I've never liked that the reflections in a gazing ball are distorted, lol. Our kids loved seeing the distortions. I don't know about tomorrow, I don't need to understand, for I trust that God my Father will still hold me by HIS hand - my paraphrase, lol!!

pam said...

I love gazing balls. We have a bright cobalt blue one but alas I forgot to bring it inside this winter and even though it's been mild it cracked. If it doesn't break apart I will keep it. The cracks are white and it gives it an interesting look.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

did not know all this info about gazing balls or that they are called gazing balls. the only ones i have seen are at Solomon's castle and in the stores, never seen them in anyone's yard. so are these all on one property or does your town have them every where? i like the red one best

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You found many different gazing balls! Nice to see them....I never see them around me?? maybe I do not pay attention

Annie Jeffries said...

Whatever there history, I love the gazing balls best for their sheer beauty. One of these days . . .

Becky Jane said...

We used to have gazing balls, until the boys found out they made a cool crashing noise when hit with a

Glenda said...

I think the gazing balls are pretty, especially in the sunlight. I did not know the history; it's interesting! Like you, I don't want to know the future, but I'm glad I know One who does . . . and it's in His control!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What an amazing collection of photos. You really have a eye for your subjects. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've loved gazing balls ever since I was a kid and saw one in a yard somewhere, I thought it was so pretty. I didn't realize how long they had been around or the ways they were used. Don't think they'd be much good in telling the future. :D Love your photos, Ginny!
Have a great day!

Hootin Anni said...

Hello sweet lady!!! I really really like this, and the gazing balls that you found are stunning. I've had two, but one outside broke when a tree branch fell on it --guess it didn't even know its future, huh?

I'm with you, I wouldn't want to know what tomorrow will bring, for I live for the day.

Excellent post.

Marie said...

These are some pretty gazing balls. I have seen these in people's yards. I didn't know the history on them...very interesting.
I agree with you Ginny about the future. I do look ahead a little for my son's college and etc.. But, there's enough here and now to pay attention to and to appreciate. :)

Anonymous said...

These Gazing Balls are so pretty. i think I might have to find one for my yard this summer.As for knowing the future,it is enough for me that God knows my future.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The previous comment was left by me.For some reason I hit a wrong key and came up as anonymous. LOL

FilipBlog said...

Very good topic and I find it really funny that you keep the modern touch.


Shug said...

I sure enjoy seeing those gazing balls in gardens and elsewhere. It amazes me how they keep from breaking. Each are so different and so pretty.

DawnTreader said...

I've never seen or heard of these before. Crystal balls used for fortune-telling yes (never seen one in real life though) but never gazing balls like these.

Anonymous said...

So that is what they are called - gazing balls - I've seen them. I have those ducks in my yard! 3 of them. sandie

Ann said...

You know I have always wanted a gazing ball ever since I was a little girl and saw one in someone's yard. I don't know why I've never gotten one.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

We need not know the future 'cause it's in His hands anyway!

Your gazin' balls are simply beautiful. I don't have any...I've been afraid our many hail storm would break 'em.

God bless and have an incredible day sweetie!!! :o)

Joanne said...

I love the one that almost seems to be reflecting the sky. You always have such interesting topics to share!
Blessings, Joanne

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Never knew these had a name. Great shots and me? I'm really glad I don't know the future.....I like to take it as it comes. have a great rest of the day

Jeanne said...

I'm very glad to know the history of gazing balls. I had no idea they have been around for so long!
God is so good and I'm thankful that he is in control of the future.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginnhy, I have always wondered why those shiny I know!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

One of my aunts had a gazing ball on her lawn when I as a child. I loved looking at it and seeing the reflections. I never knew they were considered lucky!

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...