Saturday, March 31, 2012

The House Around The Corner

There's this house around the corner, and they have flowers all over the front yard, not just in tidy little beds. They run rampant, and are glorious.

"For as the earth bursts forth with spring wildflowers, and as a garden cascades with blossoms, so the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before the nations."

I am taking the day off of the computer and going to celebrate my granddaughter's birthday! See you later!


Karin said...

Thanks for sharing these tulips with us! They are gorgeous and blooming their little hearts out! Enjoy the birthday and wish your little angel a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY all the way from Canada!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your grand daughter! I love when tulips lift up their pretty petal faces to soak up all the sun, thats sounds like a lovely yard.

Reanaclaire said...

Love the colorful tulips, Ginny!! Please convey our birthday wishes to your dearest grandchild.. can't wait to see the pictures!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love flowers running rampant and these are certainly glorious and perfect for the first day of April. enjoy your birthday fun. tell Ann Marie happy birthday from Florida

S. Etole said...

What a riot of color! Birthday blessings to your little granddaughter.

Hootin Anni said...'s like they all have smiling faces aimed at us to share the joy of Spring.

Ginny, in regards to your question about those drift seeds...the sea bean 'heart'...they come from Costa Rica, drifting on the currents of the Gulf Stream....and I only have found very few of those ---but they're supposed to be 'lucky' when you do find one.

They come from this plant: [first article on the site link]

Anonymous said...

Your tulip photos are extraordinary, Ginny. Thanks for sharing these awesome pics with us and I wish your granddaughter a happy birthday!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful flowers. Have a wonderful day of celebration.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tulips- they are gorgeous.
Happy Birthday to your Grand Daughter :)
Enjoy your Sunday!


Bobbie said...

They are beautiful Ginny! I hope you're having a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Anne Marie!! May she have the most wonderful birthday! These blooms are LOVELY!!

Lynn said...

Beautiful, beautiful colors on these tulips! I love have you captured these. It almost appears I can see them blowing gently in the wind. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. For sure that is going to be a fun celebration! BTW never saw a wildflower I did not love! Blessings.

Stephanie V said...

Oh, those are so beautiful! I can't wait til the spring flowers start blooming here.

Happy Birthday to Anne Marie!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love all your beautiful photos, Ginny! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Ginny, Hope you enjoy your granddaughter's birthday.. I'm sure you will --and so will she..

The Tulips are gorgeous... We have alot of those same ones in our yard--but ours are in specific beds...

Have a blessed day.

Chatty Crone said...

I'll take flowers any way I can get them! And happy birthday to Ann Marie. sandie

Chatty Crone said...

I'll take flowers any way I can get them! And happy birthday to Ann Marie. sandie

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny they are gorgeous....I love tulips...I want more in my yard...

momto8 said...

the flowers are beautiful for sure...and so perfect..looking at them how could anyone doubt?!
happy birthday to your granddaughter.

Reena said...

What a beautiful garden they must have. Hope you had a wonderful celebration Ginny!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have beauty around the corner...enjoy time off:)

Remington said...

Beautiful flowers! I hope you have a fun day! Enjoy!

Becky Jane said...

Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. Spring flowers all over the place must be a beautiful sight!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday to your granddaughter! I hope it's a perfect day for her. And I hope you are feeling well :-)

George said...

These are beautiful tulips. I like the idea of tulips running rampant. We have trouble getting tulips to grow from year to year.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I can only imagine but your photos showcase God's creation beautifully!

DawnTreader said...

They're wonderful, what an explosion of colour. So you have tulips in bloom already? We had some wonderful warm days in March but now a relapse to almost winter again. Even a bit of white on the ground this morning, and an icy wind blowing all weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love tulips, Ginny, and know that they must be enjoyed as much as possible when they bloom as they do not last too long. Your photos will make them live on for quite awhile longer!

Unknown said...

Just beautiful Ginny, your pictures, His Creation and Word!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm sending birthday wishes to Ann to Ann Marie. I hope see has a wonderful day. The flowers are just gorgeous. Enjoy the evening. Blessings...Mary

Tanna said...

ENJOY that granddaughter's birthday!! I've been off enjoying my grands, too! Nothing like it!! blessings ~ tanna

Rose said...

I have lost my blogging mojo as I heard Gill, That British Woman call it...just have not had even the get up and go to go outside and take flower photos....

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I love tulips at bid stage, but I also took photos when they are open like that. They have a different kind of beauty, that most professional photographers don't take.

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 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...