Friday, March 30, 2012

The Source Of All Wisdom

"A wise old owl sat in an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard;
why aren't we like that wise old bird?"

How many of you remember this little poem? It used to be quoted to me as a child, sorry I cannot find the author. Today I thought I would share some of the owl things we have around the house. The first is our tiny Owl & The Pussycat music box; remember when they set out to sea in a pea green boat? Then there is my small tin box from England, a couple of plates for the girls, an owl carving made from a single tree limb, see the tree rings on the top? The pillow is one I got for Ella when she was younger to help her with her nap, and finally the huge owl balloon I got her one Halloween. She gave me her opinion. "Owls are kind of like birds, but they're not!" I asked her why an owl was not a bird and she said "Because it's an owl; it can't be both an owl and a bird at the same time." Owls are associated with wisdom, and so are older people, but here's the real deal on that.

“I kept thinking, 'Experience will tell. The longer you live, the wiser you become.' But I see I was wrong—it's God's Spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty One, that makes wise human insight possible. The experts have no corner on wisdom; getting old doesn't guarantee good sense.”
Job 32


Anonymous said...

What a great collection of owls, Ginny. I always think of you when I am out in the stores and I see an owl. They seem very popular currently. Little Ella has really grown since this Halloween photo was taken. How long have you been sitting with her?

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my gosh, I do remember that little poem from a really long time ago. That is quite a collection of owls you have Ginny. I love that little music box.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Was it you who love collecting owls? I remember the owl and the cat in the boat.

I will answer your questions re: garage sale tomorrow. Sometimes, they announce it in church tomorrow.

I think we have 300 plus members, committed ones.

We have 4 sessions, At 2 sessions of complementary worship, we fill the auditorium which seats 300.

Now I don't know all of them, as we have 4 sessions. Even at the session I go to, I don't know everyone. Sometimes, some people keep to themselves. I try to say hi, but I have terrible memories of names. I am on duty at the electronic cash machine, so I see more people than others.

We have a Life Group, a small group of about 7. We meet weekly. This is a good support group.

BlueShell said...

Oh...a music box...I was wondering about what could that be...
I did't now that poem...but is has a deep message!
I like owls and we do have a small collection too.

Sorry I am late but I had flu...
And i'm trying to sleep with a mask...

God bless you and those you love.


Reanaclaire said...

The Owl plate is so cute..with the two big eyes to put the sidedishes... Love your collection, Ginny! Are they all yours?

Anonymous said...

What a nice collection of owls. I haven't heard that poem before, but I loved it! Wise words....
Have a lovely Saturday!


Ann said...

I love your collection of owls. I don't recall ever hearing that poem before but it's cute.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Owls are fascinating,perhaps because we don't see them very often.You have a nice collection of owl items.

From the Kitchen said...

What a "wise" collector you are. I only recently saw an owl in person--well, bird. It was on a friend's farm and there it was, hooting at me at dusk.

Hope you have a great weekend my friend.


Hootin Anni said...

Finally!!! Blogger is letting me view posts and leave comments today!! Yesterday, nada goin' for me.

Sweet that owls can't be birds; I didn't know that bit of wisdom. She's so darned cute!!! Kids...gotta love 'em.

BTW, my M I L collected owls. They area amazing creatures. Love how they can turn their heads to see/follow prey.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

again sisters separated at birth, i collected owls for years, but then got rid of all of them and have not a single owl in the house. mine were all figurines. i like the wood carved one best. i do remember the poem and you are right i could not find who wrote it either. and i also saw that owls being wise is a myth.. but they sure are wise looking to me and I love real live owls.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I had never heard the verse before. I love the photos that you used along with the poem. Said to say, while we have plenty of owls in the woods, I don't have a single one in the house.Have a great day, Ginny.Blessings...Mary

Karin said...

This little poem reminds me of grade school! You've got a cute little collection of owls. It's fascinating how owls can turn their heads to see. I've only seen a few owls in my life and not one of them gave a hoot. I've also heard they've got a very small brain!

Having worked with seniors I can only agree with that Scripture from Job 32. Those in whom Christ lived and showed forth, were filled with such godliness and wisdom! What a blessing!

Have an awesome week-end and trust you're feeling much improved Ginny!

Fred Alton said...

Very good post, Ginny! And it's like Solomon said in Ecclesiastes in the LIVING BIBLE: "I said, I will be wise. But it didn't work!"

Anonymous said...

Oh to be so friend Deb from Jeremiah 29:11 ... would absolutely love these owls..

Rose said...

That poem is in a book of Lorelei's and I read it to her only last weekend.

Tracy said...

Now that you put the poem on your blog, I do remember it...I think far too many people, including me need to hear and follow this verse but often as humans we don't!

George said...

I like Ella's explanation of why owls can't be birds -- cute! You've got a nice collection of owls, and you've given me hope that I might get wiser in the years ahead.

Glenda said...

I agree with Karin. I have been blessed with some dear elderly friends who are filled with Godly wisdom and yet are the humblest people I know.

FilipBlog said...

Very creative theme


Annie Jeffries said...

I completely remember that old ditty and, you know, I don't remember ever sharing it with my own kids. Hmmm, better late than never. LOL

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Awe Shucks... I was hoping that --since I'm almost 70, that I was getting wiser and wiser through the years... You just burst my bubble....

BUT--I do have God inside of me --so guess I'm pretty doggone smart afterall....

Cute post, Ginny.

Unknown said...

Love all your owl paraphernalia Ginny and these TRUE words of wisdom!

Arti said...

What a wonderful poem Ginny, never heard it before! And all that cute little things, very pretty.
Have a lovely Sunday:)

Anonymous said...

That's quite a collection of owl things. All so cute!!

DawnTreader said...

I like owls! (Not that I've ever seen a wild live one.) Love that pair carved in a piece of wood!!!

Joanne said...

I love Owls. and I love that scripture so true!
Blessings, Joanne

The Howling

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