Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Birds

In today's post, we are still in the museum at the exhibit of artwork done by local grade school kids. Many of the kids did paintings featuring birds. Some were delightful, some disturbing. One feels that you could almost tell the personality of the child by looking at their painting. In the last two pictures, for instance. One shows a girl seeming surrounded by vultures, yet she seems at peace. But in the next painting, a faceless and shirtless man is being attacked by small, vicious red birds. He is obviously not at peace. I would love to talk to the two young artists and find out the thoughts behind the paintings. These birds can represent many things.

" Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to Him than birds.”
Matthew 6:26

I'm taking today off from the computer, I'll see everyone Saturday!


Dawning Inspiration said...

Such great talent.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those kids are very talented, I love the one you used for a header. You're right Ginny, a couple of those are disturbing. It would be interesting to know the story behind them.

BlueShell said...

wonderful paintings...and the words...precious.

Remington said...

Love the artwork! Beautiful!

Tanna said...

Wow! There are some really gifted young artists there! I am most intrigued by those last two, also. The boy has a tree (of life.... family tree), birds trying to roost?? Coming back to haunt you? Angry birds?? Really gets your head spinning... great art. blessings ~ tanna

pam said...

I'm in awe of such talent in grade school kids. As we look at the ones that may disturb us God gives us the opportunity to pray for those kids. Our minds can have so many thoughts and He knows them intimately.

God be all they need at this moment in their life. Reveal Yourself to them and be their Love. Where there may be anguish over personal things or what they see around them bring others to surround them with Your love. Father our hearts want them to not be tormented in any way...You know them...pour out peace, strength and protect them with Your love. In Jesus name, AMEN

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Those children are all talented and each painting can tell a story. Sometimes the stories are not so pretty and its a way of expressing themselves when they cant otherwise. Maybe the boy in the painting gets picked on by others, the girl, there are vultures everywhere just waiting on their young prey. I pray the parents know the reason behind the paintings.

Bobbie said...

What talent! I feel as you do Ginny, I'd love to know what is making these artists draw what they draw. Very interesting.

Autumn said...


Unknown said...

Great post, Ginny - I love that first picture, so pretty and colorful! I feel like I'm right there in the museum! Oh and something you might not know - I figured out why God made the male species of birds so beautiful and the females somewhat dull - He figured that it was only fair since he had done just the opposite when He created the humans :) did you know that?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like the last picture. It's interesting. I almost see the birds as tattoos, flying off his back.

Glenda said...

It would be interesting to talk to these young artists who are so talented. The artwork would be even more meaningful.

You asked about the title of my blog. Yes, it does come from a line in "God Leads Us Along." You are very observant!

Have a great weekend!

Karin said...

Truly some child prodigies among these artists!! God has gifted everyone so differently. I was just thinking that perhaps one of those artists happened to see the movie The Birds and decided that that would be interesting study! Have a great week-end y'all!!

Stephanie V said...

Now I could love a pink chicken! Those are such wonderful pieces of art. The last one reminds me of the movie "The Birds"

reanaclaire said...

Very expressive through paintings..

DawnTreader said...

Wonderful artwork; and you are very observant!

FilipBlog said...

The second last painting is extremly good.


photowannabe said...

Its hard to believe these are grade school kids. What amazing talent.
Enjoy your day off Ginny.

momto8 said...

wow...they are truly artists!! my goodness their work is fabulous!!
Enjoy your weekend!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The last picture definitely shows a disturbing scene.

Ann said...

some talented artists there. It does make you wonder what their thoughts were when they were doing these paintings

George said...

The drawings are very interesting, but like you, I would like to know the inspiration behind some of these drawings. There is definitely some artistic talent among these students.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - I think when a child goes into therapy the first them they ask them to do is draw a picture - I think they can tell a lot from one. sandie

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I added old sun flowers photos to show the big ones,

yes, my friends were very happy to see my sunflowers in Singapore.

Your art pieces are beautiful. I am not artistic. Now I am happy my skills are in writing.

Hootin Anni said...

Y' with all exhibits in galleries of artwork, some are beautiful, some serene, and as you say some are very disturbing. But, still a work of art.

These images are quite diverse and great...even the last one. Some great artists of our time and times before us, have entered the world of art with much more eerie works than these you posted. At least that's my opinion. No matter what age they are, you draw/paint what you see at the moment, capture it for all time.

Arti said...

Yes, these paintings by little kids do speak a lot. And how wonderfully you have deciphered the meaning of the paintings, I think you are correct.
Have a nice weekend Ginny:)

Lady Jane said...

Wow, grade school kids!!! Some of those are pretty good... There is some talent there.... LJ

Jeanne said...

What a talented bunch of children is right!! I love the one you have for your header. I just knew it was going to be one of those decorative garden flags. It sure would make a pretty one!

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness Ginny, that last painting is quite disturbing yet very good! and yeah, I'd like to talk with those kids as the one you use as your header; the colors are so bright!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these are great. It would be great to talk to the young artists and ask what was in their mind when they drew it. Have a great rest of the weekend.

Deborah said...

Pretty birds...they kids did a great job!
PS It looks like Blogger has a new comment format. All the comment pages look a little less inviting than the old format!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well, I like the Scripture of course and many of the drawings and paintings. How fun for you to see all the talent on display. I enjoy art museums myself. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Ginny, I find the last two kind of disturbing, too. I'd like to hear their reasons for doing these. All the artwork is very well done! So much talent there.
Enjoy your weekend!

Reena said...

Again, I love all these pieces of art work by such young folks.

LC said...

An abundance of young artists. Intriguing. Like you, I would like to know their stories.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Ginny. I wonder what made the child draw the attack by vultures. But the kids are no doubt talented!

Becky Jane said...

Your post reminded me of a wedding card CL and I got from an older lady. It had a picture of 2 love birds on the front and inside she had written "May your life be like the birds". It made me laugh, but it also was very touching!

Rose said...

I would love to know the thoughts behind these...but especially that last one...

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