Thursday, March 8, 2012

Signs Of Spring

“Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are the morning yawn.” 
Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You

Two predictors of spring just happened to me. Today I saw the first robin of the year! And for once, I was near my camera!! He was looking for worms, and speaking of worms... I was able to snap the March full moon, called the Full Worm Moon. This is because the ground is starting to thaw for the worms to come up. And right on time, our robin showed up. I wonder if he found any real worms, or only a big round worm moon.

" It never occurs to them to say, 'How can we honor our God with our lives, The God who gives rain in both spring and autumn and maintains the rhythm of the seasons, Who sets aside time each year for harvest and keeps everything running smoothly for us?”
Jeremiah 3

I will not be on the computer here on Friday, we are all going to be celebrating my birthday! See you on the weekend!


From the Kitchen said...

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ginny, happy birthday to you. AND MANY MORE!!


Marie said...

Love the Robin header! We've had a lot of Robins around, but they have been so quick that I haven't gotten any good pics yet. Love your March moon pics Ginny! I took a few and was planning on getting the tripod out to take more and I never did. So glad to see your gorgeous moon photos. :)

Joanne said...

Oh my goodness Ginny you are not going to believe this but earlier tonight I took a picture of the moon through trees in my back yard!!!! If I can I will post it tomorrow. And yes Spring is on it's way though right now the cold wind and rain are making a racket outside.
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Birthday Ginny!

Great shots of Mr. Robin. Seeing him is a sure sign of spring. I saw a few of them in a big tree the other day. They were so far away I didn't get a great photo.

Have a great day tomorrow.

Alice said...

Happy Birthday Ginny:)

Beautiful pics- I also took a full moon picture, but I left my macro on, so it doesn't look right.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What kind of lens do you use to get your moon pics, Ginny?

Happy birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day :-)

Neal said...

Happy birthday Ginny!!

I love your header. Of course, I always love pictures of the moon.

Bobbie said...

Love the pictures!!
Have a beautiful, blessed day my dear friend!! I can't wait to hear about your birthday celebration!

pam said...

We have buds showing green thinking about opening on our flowering trees and some bulbs and other flowers with about 4 inches of new green growth. I want to go clean out the leaves in my gardens so badly but I know we have to wait. We have barely had Winter here. It is so early to not think we'll have some hard freezes...usually we don't do much around here until after May 1st but everything seems to be ahead of schedule this year. I've not seen a Robin but we've heard the bird chirping sounds around us. I'm looking forward to Spring. Hope your weekend is grand Ginny!

Karin said...

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Do you share the day with George? Love your signs of spring photos! I did notice the moon, but our robins are in hiding - too much snow still on the ground. Have a great week-end Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well spring has sprung on your blog, looking good and happy. enjoy your birthday celebration, Happy Birthday. love that sweet robin and i like the sticks in front of the moon, at first i thought you took a picture through a telescope until i saw the moons below

Nature Rambles said...

Lovely picture of the robin! And worm moon is new to me. That's interesting! Always love your moon pictures!

Remington said...

Great moon shots! Our robins aren't here yet....probably because the worms are hiding under the snow.... Have a funtastic weekend!

Glenda said...

I'm watching 8 0r 10 robins outside my window as I sit reading blogs. Your header pic is great - and so are the moon shots.

Hope you have a wonderful birthday and that your family really spoils you on your special day!

Chatty Crone said...

Springtime and your birthday - the same! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! sandie

FilipBlog said...

Great moon and classical shots again.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Hope you're having a wonderful time. I love that Robin picture.

Unknown said...

Ginny, Happy Birthday, wishing you God's richest blessings in the next year, I'm so glad I've gotten to know you this year. And it is so exciting that Spring is springing up - in my neck of the woods, everywhere I look! We have a beautiful Bradford Pear all covered with white blossoms in from of our house right now. Spring always reaffirms to me that our God is truly the God of HOPE! Have a wonderful day!

Ann said...

I was talking to a woman today who said she had been seeing robins. I haven't seen any yet but then I haven't really been looking either.

Lady Jane said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you...

Dawning Inspiration said...

Never knew that about the March moon - cool! Hope you have a very happy birthday Ginny!

Deborah said...

YAH!!! I hope you did something fun today! Happy Birthday!!
Nice Robin picture :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Happy Birthday, Ginny. Your photos are wonderful. I hope you had a really glorious day. Blessings...Mary

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You captured a great pic of Spring...glad you were near your camera

momto8 said...

happy birthday!! you were born in the spring!
your pictures are great reminders of the beauty all around us...just for us to see and appreciate!
Hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

We have been seeing robins for at least a couple weeks...I need to focus on getting a photo of one though.

L said...

Beautiful pictures. The robin reminds me that I can start birding again soon.

Anonymous said...

ONce again I am amazed at your moon shots...awesome Ginny and yes I see we do have the same background....too cool!

Hootin Anni said...

I love robins and miss them since they are not down here much...I've seen two in my years down this far south, and both were NOT in our area. Love to hear them sing.

Hope your birthday was a fun one.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You always have the best moon photos, Ginny! It is amazing ti see the craters in your close ups.

I have yet to see a robin, but I'm sure they will arrive very soon! Spring is definitely in the air.

Hope you are having an enjoyable weekend!

Annie Jeffries said...


I think we will be seeing a few robins eventually. They are not so lush and red and fat as yours. Actually scrawny cousins. The worms must not be too nutritious here.

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday to you Ginny...May many blessings be brought your way!
I love the robin photo and it looks great in the header. You know, looking back at the gazing balls; they have always intrigued me and i love the colors...

S. Etole said...

Birthday blessings to you, Ginny. Wonderful shots of the moon and you share such interesting tidbits. No robins in sight here yet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You just know that I was thinking of you when I saw that gorgeous full Moon! Have a really nice Sunday tomorrow!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I corrected the link, Ginny. Thanks for letting me know. The lighter nut layer is supposed to be on the bottom of the brownies, so while it looks strange, it is as it should be. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

DawnTreader said...

Oh, I didn't know it was your birthday! I hope you had a good day! Belated congratulations from me!

Anonymous said...

Belated birthday wishes to you, Ginny! I love your robin photo - love this time of year!

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