Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Lens Full Of Mist

Today we took another jigsaw puzzle to our granddaughters, and dropped it off on the porch table. They came out to wave with their dad, so I took a picture. But YIKES! It had been raining, and my camera lens was so wet with condensation! I could not wipe it off! Changing the picture to sepia made it a bit better, but not much. Have you ever had this happen?

They wrote us a letter.

When we got home, Simba informed us that we were idiots to leave the house in the rain. And did we bring back treats. 

“Every child is an artist until he's told he's not an artist.”
 ~ John Lennon


CheerfulMonk said...

That's too bad about the camera, but I love the pictures in the letter. They remind me of when Kaitlin was little. :)

Linda said...

I love the many little ways y'all stay connected with the family during this troubking Covid 19 year.....

Reanaclaire said...

So sweet of the kids... even though it was raining, I am sure they brightened up your day!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwww, sweet post. Wishing (as you do I'm sure) you both could be near them! And, yes, I've had my lenses fog up (from air conditioned car into blazing hot outdoors). You can buy no-fog lens wipes tho.

Ann said...

Aww, that note they wrote you is so sweet. I'm cracking up over Simba. That's exactly what any cat would be saying. The look says it all.

Ella said...

You took the picture a little wrong, but that's shouldn't spoil the fun!I'm fall in love with Simba! Meow! 😹

Ps. check out my latest blog post! LOL

Tamago said...

I think the photo is fantastic with sepia colors! Their letters with drawings are so sweet. They miss you a lot.
Simba looks comfy and ready for some treats :-)

Rose said...

What a sweet letter! Do you keep those things? I love running across stuff Lorelei wrote when she was younger.

Martha said...

It made the photo look like on old photo, kind of cool. I love the sweet letter so much and glad you got to see them if only for a few minutes from a distance. I sure hope you brought back some treats for Simba!

George said...

I've had a problem with condensation on lenses more often than I can count. You did a good job of saving the image. I love the letter.

Shug said...

condensation can be really bad here in Texas with the heat outside and the coolness inside. I always have to wait for my lens to clear when first going outside with my camera. These are the sweetest notes....hope you will keep them for the kids to see in later years

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yes and in fact it was just yesterday that I picked up my big camera for the first time in months and went out to take a picture of a butterfly that was sitting on a stick and I could not get it to focus because the lens was completely fogged I didn't even get a picture as good as yours and yes sepia did help and it's a great shot. Somebody you look absolutely adorable and you are right about going out in the rain. And about the quote every child is an artist until they're told their not that's what happened to me in the 10th grade I took art because I wanted to learn how and the teacher told me that I had no Talent and she made fun of the way I painted my sky and said in a really nasty voice there's no sky that has blue and white. And if it were me now I would say back then you have never been to Florida. But I never took another art course and I think I might have had a little Talent with a little

Inger said...

How fun to have your granddaughters close by, even if you can't hug them right now. I can see how much they love you and you them. And your kitty is beautiful, but don't tell him/her(?). You know how cats can get so full of themselves.

Chatty Crone said...

I LIKE THE QUOTE. Are you still not visiting the kids? What about sitting outside six feet apart? Did you bring your cat a treat? What do they like?

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwww... Simba is beautiful! I've never had a wet or foggy lens but one of the YouTubers I watch had a foggy video because of the humidity in the air at the time she recorded. It's been terribly humid this year here too. And we've had lots of rain as of late as well, which is a good thing as the earth was so parched! Love, Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I have had condensation form on my camera, when taking it, from cool to warm, or from warm to cool. Temp change.

Were you (and your camera) in an air conditioned car? And then you put down the window, and took a picture? So that your camera, cool from being in the A/C, was exposed to the warmth of out side?

Maybe that is what did it? Or not! ~smile~


Ruth Hiebert said...

I have had that happen.

Mari said...

That's a great quote, and so true.
I love those thank you's. Bet they melted your heart!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I hope you got your camera to dry out. Sweet to leave the puzzles for your grandchildren. What a pretty cat. Our cat loves the idea of treats and comes running when he hears the bag open but doesn’t really care about eating them. He just leaves them on the floor.

DeniseinVA said...

How sweet is that, a loving caring family :)

DeniseinVA said...

Almost forgot Simba, she sure is a pretty cat!

Nancy Chan said...

Just to see the grandkids waving to you from a distance is worth getting wet in the rain. I hope you are able to get rid of the condensation from your camera lens.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Here in South Carolina, in the summertime the moment you take your camera outside (not even in rain), the whole lens fogs up and it takes what seems like an age for it to go away. Ditto with my glasses (I take them off). It's annoying. But cute notes from the girls! And Simba has the right idea for a rainy day: home and treats. xoxo


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