Thursday, September 10, 2020

Gone Batty

Looking for a sunset on the hill tonight, the clouds looked like this. Yikes!

No good sunset tonight for sure. But we met some people who told us about an old dilapadated building where lots of bats lived. They flew out every night to eat insects in the air. Wow, I had only seen this on T.V. And the old house was just down the street! It was suitably spooky.

You can see how run down the back is, with lots of broken windows and holes for bats to get inside. We waited and waited. Only ONE bat! What! But I am NOT giving up, I shall return.

I DID get some unusual photos, though. Can you guess what this is? I will show and tell on my next post.


The Feminine Energy said...

I can't imagine what those pictures are, Ginny! I'll anxiously return tomorrow for the answer. What a gorgeous building though, my goodness. Don't you wish someone would come along & restore it? I'd love to see the inside... of course, then again maybe not. I would probably be heartsick to see its condition. Love, Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

That poor old house is sad. :(

Rose said...

I think the sunset was wonderful. Love those cloud formations. Cannot imagine what the pics are either.

Hootin Anni said...

Actually, I really like the sky shots! Very much. y'don't need color to have a pretty sky at sundown!! I think the mystery pics are dust particles (or maybe insects) flying in the light of a street lamp. Am I close? Stay tuned 'til tomorrow.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love old buildings. I’ve seen some pretty ragged buildings rebuilt and turned back into their former glory.

Ann said...

Those are some interesting clouds. That building didn't look too bad from the front but the back does show how run down it is. Too bad only one bat.
I have no clue what that picture is. I guess I'll just have to wait till tomorrow.

Martha said...

That building is definitely spooky! I have to idea what those photos could be, can't wait to find out! Love the cloud shots :)

Jeanette said...

That building looks like it was a stately manor at one time! Someone should buy it and restore it. With all the bats living in there it would be quite a feat, though! I have no clue what those pictures are of! Looking forward to your next post to find out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no clue what the last two are. it looks like debri in wind caught by lights but what it is is beyond me. wow, 4 stories high, what a huge old house.

Nancy Chan said...

That is a big house and would be costly to maintain. Are those things in the last 2 photos really bats flying out from the house and caught by your camera?

George said...

I enjoyed your cloud pictures, even if you didn't see much of a sunset.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Bats are very, very good!

But not inside a home.

My son's home, next door, had bats in the attic. And it cost, to make sure they were gone. The man he hired, made sure they went, then fixed it so, they could not return. And cleaned out their droppings, etc. Brrrr....

Mystery pic.... some sort of seeds, in a shaft of light???


Chatty Crone said...

They look like maggots to me.

Carla from The River said...

I feel sad for the house. Someone needs to love it.

Good luck capturing the bats on camera.

We have a bat house that my dad made us. We usually have about 6 bats visit at night.

Ida said...

Very interesting post. That old house is pretty cool looking. I bet it was once quite grand. Well at least you saw a bat. I think they are neat looking but I'm not sure I'd want to see a whole bunch of them flying around.
Again I'm requesting a Follow By Email feature on your sidebar. It would make it so much easier to know when you post new things. Right now it comes in a huge group email and if I don't catch it I often forget that you've posted. If you need help adding the feature let me know, I can help you.

Tamago said...

Clouds look dramatic!
Bats got a nice large home for themselves :-) I’ve never seen a wild bat in person. I hope you get to spot more of them!
I have no idea what those photos are but they look very interesting!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful sunset, and interesting cloud formations, but I would not like to go looking for bats.

DeniseinVA said...

These are great! We used to get bats flying around our garden when we first moved into this house. They disappeared years ago.


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