Friday, September 11, 2020

Where Do Love Birds Go On The Weekend?

We went back to the abadoned building tonight, but no luck seeing any bats. But we DID see the same thing for the second night in a row. We have been told that the building is full of bats AND pigeons. And these two come onto the window ledge every evening, and STAY there! One is on the ledge, the other on a pipe under the ledge.
Upper right window on the bottom right ledge.

The one on top is constantly looking down at the other, like he is looking after her. Pigeons do not like to roost in trees; they prefer old abandoned buildings or bridges. But this ledge is so thin!

My mystery pictures from last night are bugs flying in the light from a lamppost. My camear took several snaps in a row, thus showing their paths. Anni guessed it!


Hootin Anni said...

woohoo! a correct guess. that's a first, I think, of your mystery images. and, as for the pigeons, you got some great photos!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my that is a lot of bugs!! I don’t mind pigeons at all. I like the little cooing noise they make.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the vast majority of people in Savannah hate pigeons, down here people hate seagulls. they do make a mess but i like them anyway.. love the close up of the couple on the ledge and i had no idea it was bugs. I LOVE the photo with the light fixture showing. awesome

Ann said...

Well that seems like a nice way to relax in the evening after a full day of doing whatever it is that pigeons do all day.
That's a lot of bugs flying around that light. What I find interesting is that they are all flying around the light on the bottom left and you don't see any in front of the light on the top right.

Rose said...

I would never have thought of the mystery pics being insects at night!

Nancy Chan said...

Imagine a place full of bats, pigeons and bugs! Over here, most people do not like pigeons making their nests in buildings and dirtying the place with their droppings. Have a blessed weekend.

Martha said...

I would have never guessed! That doesn't look like a very comfortable ledge for the pigeons to spend the nights on, guess they must not mind or the wouldn't be there. Hope you catch the bats soon!

Jeanette said...

Those are great pigeon photos and I never would have guessed bugs flying in the light!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I still don't like pigeons. Their "poop" is dangerous. Or so, I have been told.

Do you think their "poop" is dangerous?


Chatty Crone said...

I never thought of that!

Tamago said...

Pigeons look quite comfy there :-)
Wow, those were bugs...amazing they made such artistic scenes :-)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Nice picture of the pigeons, but yikes, I wouldn't like to see a bunch of bats--even though they would probably make good subjects for a photo shoot.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos and quite true regarding the quote at the end of your post. I like pigeons :)

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