Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Mist

It has been very misty here in the valley. Today the weatherman said it is from the westward wind blowing the smoke in from the west coast fires. We are in Virginia, that is how far it is travelling. The sky was all white today.

And because of the mist, the sun was either orange or pink. At times it looked like the moon.

As it got closer to the ground, it got  paler and paler.

As we headed back home, we saw that even the houses were watching.

โ€œโ€ฆAnd when Sorrow is my guest, I will wear a gown made of the cold, gray mist.โ€
~Muriel Strode


Hootin Anni said...

Love, love, LOVE the watchers (blood-shot from smoke?)...kinda Stephen Kingish!!

Hootin Anni said...

ps, some of those puzzles were bought at walmart (and others a Texas chain grocery store)

Ann said...

Wow, a pink sun. It's rather pretty

Hootin Anni said...


Carol said...

The pink sun is beautiful. I live in the Midwest and I have not noticed anything like that here.

Tamago said...

Wow these photos do look like moon shots! Pink and pale sun is beautiful. I hope the fire will be under control soon.

Have a great day xo

Rose said...

Such a strange, strange sun!

Martha said...

It sure made for beautiful photos, but how horrible that it has traveled that far. Love the house watching you - eeek! ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the person in that house has a really good sense of humor. love it. i have never seen the sun like this..and that is amazing it is coming that far, we don't have it here, i am thinking Sally the Hurricane is blowing it back towards the west coast and away from us

Chatty Crone said...

The pink sun was kind of pretty Ginny. I have never seen it like that before. Sorry the smoke is all the way over there! Hate it for the people on the west coast too.

George said...

We've had some smoke from the western fires in our skies, but not nearly as much as you have. I hope those fires are soon brought under control.

Jennifer said...

We saw that odd colored sun - but didn't realize what was causing it. Thanks for the info...and for sharing your photos!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

We have even had some of that smoke here in Manitoba.Even when the sun is out, it has the look of that in your pictures.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Our weather person said we are getting some smoke/haze, but nothing like this.

This certainly makes interesting photo opppps!

I love _natural_ mist. Which I call Dragon's Breath.


Beside a babbling brook... said...

I would ask this question in private email but can not see a link to your email addy....


I'm confused.... I thought you did a post, about searching out the true news. Pointing out that "the so-called news" is not giving True News. It is just giving a view point. Etc. Etc. Etc. But now, I can not find it.
Am I confusing you, with someone else? Or.....?

Please and thank you.


photowannabe said...

The wind patterns are amazing...
Here in Northern California we haven't seen blue skies for weeks.
The smoke has discolored everything and our views of the sun and moon are strangely colored too.
Praying that the First Responders will get the upper hand on the horrible fires all around us.
Driving home through the Central Valley of CA was just awful air quality wise...not fit for anyone.
Love the eyeballs in the windows..someone has a great sense of humor.

Sandi said...

That's no moon...

๐Ÿ˜† (A line from Star Wars)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

thank you Dear One, for your reply to my question. Ahhhhh yes. "Senior Moments" strike me again!!!! ~grin~


Ida said...

Wow that is so bizarre that we both posted the same sort of photos today. Yes the fires/smoke have been horrible. It's amazing that you are seeing the effects clear back in Virginia. We live in Washington state but the other side where the fires are not burning although there were a few on our side of the state. It's hard to breathe for sure. Hoping for rain but so far none in the forecast.

The Feminine Energy said...

Those fires.... such a tragedy. I heard the smoke has reached totally to the east coast now, all across our nation. So sad. ~Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

It's so sad about the fires, but I laughed out loud at the picture of the windows. :D

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