Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Alley

My older followers may remember the pumpkin man a few blocks away. He grows giant pumpkins, and has won statewide awards for size. Here is an old photo of them.

 We thought we would drive down the alley behind his house and see if any are growing now. But the alley itself had some interesting sights. Like this tricycle hanging from a clothesline.

This backyard had chickens. They were curious about us.

Until their tiny guard dogs came yapping up to the fence.

The people next door were growing corn in their yard.

And the people next to them had a big patch of wild sunflowers.

We finally arrived at the punpkin man's house at the end of the alley. The pumpkins were growing, and huge.

See the fan he has turned on this one?

Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee, and do not try to make the universe a blind alley.
Author unknown


My Tata's Cottage said...

Wow! Those are huge pumpkins! You tell such good stories and we are similar. You had cut your bangs too. I guess it is something we were so curious about. HaHa! I must check out the Grandma Moses story too. I love stopping by, life just gets crazy. I am at both blogs someday's and one or the other other times. We have worked in our garage lately and there is still much to do. Thanks for being a great blog friend. HUGS across the miles and love your photos. You tell a great story.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a fun little trip! Those are the best kinds.

Himawan Sant said...

A memorable trip to see many beautiful scenery. The size of the pumpkin that once reached that record was fantastic! .. so far I have never seen it for real.

Greetings from Indonesia.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness. size DOES matter!

DawnTreader said...

Wow, what great photo finds! ... We're in a rather dull period here, sort of in between summer and autumn, and mostly rainy weather - and I've only been walking the same old paths close to home, so have not seen a lot that has inspired me to take photos!

Ann said...

I do remember the pumpkin man. What an interesting neighborhood that is. I wonder what the purpose of the fan is.

Nancy Chan said...

Wow! Those are giant pumpkins. I wonder why the pumpkin needs the fan. Oh my, who is going to buy such big pumpkins?

Rose said...

I would love to see the pumpkins in person. Cant help but wonder about the tricycle hanging from the clothesline.

George said...

This man certainly knows how to grow huge pumpkins. I wonder what the fan does to help the pumpkin grow?

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my goodness, I've never seen such huge pumpkins. And like Rose, I also can't help but wonder about that tricycle hanging from the clothesline.

Martha said...

Wow! Seem like quite the interesting little neighborhood but those pumpkins are crazy huge, I've never seen any so gigantic! Very cool :)

Chatty Crone said...

You have an interesting section there! I love it all. My goodness that was a big pumpkin - guess he is trying to not get it over heated.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Now I'm dying to take a walk down that alley. Your neighborhood has the most interesting houses and things in it that I have ever seen anywhere. My walking and driving is pretty boring compared of all the things you have. I love the house that the pumpkin man lives in and the ones growing in the backyard are absolutely amazing. I think I might be knocking on the door of the sunflower house and asking could I have to to stick in a vase. I am thinking maybe Dennis the Menace lives in the house with the tricycle up in the air

Inger said...

You don't see all that driving down an alley in Los Angeles. I love the small town vibe you have displayed here.

Inger said...

And I also love the way you changed the background to this lovely green.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Love it! In~city people, enjoying growing things, in their back yards!!!! That's the way it was, when I was growing up, but that was "before time began," of course!

Love alleys!!!!!!!!! I grew up with one. Have not had one, while married. ~sigh~ One of our sons had one, in his first house. There is something so Old Fashioned, about an alley.

And this one, is well maintained. Some alleys can be not so well fenced. Just look at the chicken one! Neat! A joy! ~smile~

Hope his fan will keep that pumpkin happpy!!!!!!!!

Now, you *have* to keep us updated, on how, it is progressing!!!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Those giant pumpkins are quite something to see.

Carla from The River said...

My parents are growing a BIG pumpkin this year. I am growing white pumpkins. They are just about ready to harvest. :-)

Tamago said...

Oh yes I remember the pumpkins. They are really impressive! There are many interesting sights down the alley. Wildflowers are beautiful.
Fun to see the fan for pumpkin :-) So pampered!

DeniseinVA said...

What fun sights you share and those pumpkins are amazing!

Jeanette said...

Huge pumpkin! Wonder what the reason for the fan is?

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...