Sunday, September 27, 2020


 Did you know there is a Bobblehead Museum & Hall Of Fame? And they are now selling bobbleheads of Dr. Anthony Fauci, in two different poses. They are unable to keep them in stock because they sell out so fast!

There is also a bobblehead of Dr. Birx. Although it is not as popular.

And also Megan & Harry, the royal couple.

Make of it what you will.

Chinese nodding-head figures are documented in England and Continental Europe as early as the 1760's and 1770's.


Linda said...

I admire both Dr. Fauci and even more Dr. Birx.....not so much Megan and Harry....

Ann said...

I did not know there was a bobblehead museum and hall of fame. I imagine they have one for every famous person out there. I can't see wanting to have a Dr. Fauci one of my own or any of them for that matter.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm like Ann...I see no interest in bobble heads of any kind.

Martha said...

I think Dr Fauci is the best!

George said...

I guess there must be a museum for just about anything you can think of.

Chatty Crone said...

No bobble heads for me either! lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

The only bobbleheads I have ever seen her in the back window of cars and their dogs and cats or animals of some kind I did not even know they made bobbleheads like these or that there was a museum. That said I can't figure out why in the world anybody would want a bobblehead even of a dog but especially of people but there's somebody that will buy everything

Inger said...

I can't believe there's a museum for these things. I mean who would visit a place like that? I think we need to take Dr. Fauci very seriously, a bobble head doll? Not sure if it takes away some of the seriousness, which is already being undermined by the person in the WH.

Jeanette said...

Never could see the attraction to bobble heads! And there's a museum> Crazy!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I've never heard of this museum. I guess there must be something out there for everyone. Different strokes for different folks, haha.

Anne Robinson said...

I have had a few MLB bobble heads but that is because I was raised on baseball and my daddy played semi pro baseball long before I was born. Although I would never wish my dad back to this earth, I miss his knowledge of the game and all my wonderful memories I have in my heart of all the baseball games we watched together.
Mollie is 18 months old. She and her brother Finn were born in March 2019. Their parents are both long haired chihuahua's. We love our silly pups. Mollie was born 5 hours before Finn. We all went to bed, thinking, aw....our sweet girl Lulu did well as she took on motherhood like a champ. But as we all prepared for bedtime our daughter said hurry, Lulu is having a second pup. Our SIL Zach had to help LuLu get him out of the birth sack. So he claimed him as his very own!
I hope you have a great week! Thanks always for stopping by. HUGS across the miles XO XO

photowannabe said...

Like the others, I didn't know there was a museum for Bobbleheads.
Some are quite funny but they are a goldmine to collectors.
P.S. to answer your question..
no we didn't pick any apples. A few of the orchards are open for that but COVID has changed even that.
You can't even have apple samples any more..sad...

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my gosh, bobbleheads have been around THAT long?! Wow... never too old to learn something. I had no idea. I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE Dr. Fauci! If I had $$ to burn I'd surely order one for myself. He's da bomb-dot-com! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

Carla from The River said...

Interesting, I had no idea!!

Sue said...

I didn't know they had a bobblehead museum, the two drs. have certainly got lot of notoriety this year!
Thanks for sharing.

Mari said...

It seems there is a museum for everything! I don't think I would ever collect bobbleheads.

CheerfulMonk said...

It's clearly a clever idea if so many people want to buy them.

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