Monday, September 7, 2020

Popcorn M & M's

     While grocery shopping today, I spotted this. A new M & M's flavor, Buttered Popcorn! I picked up three bags; one for us and two for our family.

When you open the bag, it smells just like movie theater buttered popcorn!  When the girls came running out, Jazz, the littleiest, jumped up and down when she saw them. And I finally got a decent picture of them. Jazz still has missing front teeth.


CheerfulMonk said...

That sounds like fun! :)

The Padre said...

What A Trip - Also, Lovely Bluebird Post - Be Well


Nancy Chan said...

M&M used to be my favourite. Your grandkids have grown so much. Her missing teeth smile is only temporary.

Ann said...

I haven't seen these m&m's yest. So how do they taste?

Hootin Anni said...

I'm not sure I'd like 'em...but willing to try. The girls are simply dolls. I bet you'd prefer to give 'em hugs instead of candy.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my gosh look at how cute they are!! I’m not sure that popcorn would be my favourite M &M but I wouldn’t let that stop me from eating them..

Martha said...

They are so adorable Ginny! I'm glad they liked their special treats. I haven't seen those yet, but then again, my only outing is to the grocery store twice a month. I'll have to look for them next trip :)

Tamago said...

Popcorn flavored M&M sounds yummy! I hope you all liked it! Your granddaughters are so adorable. Sweet smiles :-)

George said...

Your description of these new M&Ms actually made my mouth water.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Great jar of your girls! And they sure are getting taller and taller every time I see them

Rose said...

Your girls are so cute...and look so happy. Don't they just brighten the whole day? The M & Ms sounds good...I will look for some. I love the quote of Dave Barry...

NanaDiana said...

LOL, Ginny. Glad you finished some 'projects'. lol
The kids are as cute as cute can be. We have some 'missing teeth' grandkids, too. So funny to see them until they grow in and then the teeth always look oversized next to their baby teeth. lol
Have a great week, Ginny. xo Diana

Chatty Crone said...

Okay so tell me - did the popcorn TASTE good? I am going to look for them. The girls are getting so big!!!!!!!!!!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Wow girls are adorable. Not sure I could enjoy that treat with my past cancer history. I stick to no artificial ingredients even is sweets. I have Buddy or hubby help me read labels and we manage to find stuff. Mostly our treats are produce.

The Feminine Energy said...

Well, I'll be! Popcorn M&Ms. I don't eat candy anymore but The Husband still partakes. I don't know if he'd like these or not though... he usually doesn't like anybody messing with "original stuff". I love the toothless grins on children. Absolutely precious!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

OH wow!!!!!

What a fantastic marketing idea!

Salt and Sweet, can not be resisted, by humans.

Add movie theater pop corn, to the Salt part.

Mix it with M&M's, which are a great sweetness.

And you have a super treat.


Great pic of the "Grands"!


photowannabe said...

HaHa..that Dave Berry quote is too cute.
Sugar rush overload.
Interesting new flavor from M&M's
Perhaps too addicting...(:0)

L. D. said...

I have never seen them but I will be looking for them.

Susie said...

Ginny, I like M&M's...but I like them plain. I like that you finish what you start. So funny. Cute grands. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Mari said...

I've not seen this flavor. I like plain, but would like to try these.
Your granddaughters are beautiful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That flavor sounds interesting . i wouldn’t mind trying it if I ever find some.

Shug said...

cute, cute girls.... I really like movie theater popcorn, however, I am not a fan of chocolate. I wonder if it has a chocolate taste?

Linda said...

You are such cool grandparents! Those girls are just precious!

Gayla said...

Great idea... I would love to taste those... Think they are keto? lol You are sure a fun grandmother! Hugs!

Buttercup said...

I was looking at M and Ms last week -- per your suggestion -- but I didn't see these. I will be on the lookout. I love popcorn flavor and this would be worth a sugar splurge.

DeniseinVA said...

Your granddaughters are beautiful! M & M's are such a neat treat. I saw a new advertisement yesterday. I am partial to a peanut butter cup every now again. They were advertising new ones. Peanut butter cups with a filling of crushed potato chips!!! I might try those if I see them around.


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...