Friday, September 18, 2020

The Doors

 We pass this house often, as it is in our neighborhood. But look at the doors. Two doors really close together, in each side of the corner. What gives? I have not seen anything like it.

I did not snap my header photo, I found it on the web.


The Feminine Energy said...

Do you think this could be a 2-apartment house, Ginny? The left-most door leading right to a staircase going upstairs... and then the right-most door leading straight into the downstairs apartment's living room? That's what it looks like to me. I wonder if that's the case? If you see someone outside one day you should ask. Love~ Andrea xoxo

Gayla said...

That has ti be a 2-tenant dwelling... Or a window made into a door for .... uh... lol. I just don't know, but now you have my curiosity up... My son calls me Beeswax.... Hs says O don't always mind my own bees-wax.... lol

crafty cat corner said...

Must be a bit of a squeeze if two people use the doors at the same time, lol

Hootin Anni said...

I too think it is a two family dwelling.

Ann said...

Well isn't that interesting. I wonder why the two doors. They aren't far enough apart that they could open in to different areas.

Martha said...

Even if it was two different units it still doesn't make sense. There isn't enough room there that they could possibly open into different areas. Very weird! Love the header photo :)

Rose said...

Well, I am here to tell you that I have seen a house two doors down. And it had nothing to do with being a two tenant was just a little old house...and both doors opened up on to the built in back was an old lady from Lithuanian that did it. Just pure strangeness.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see I am not supposed to think that that is a to apartment place and the entrance is at the corner. I've seen many like that you go into a small square and one door goes up the stairs to the top and one goes in to the other apartment. Seems like we all had the same idea if you ever see anybody in the yard stop and ask haha tell them inquiring-minds-want-to-know

George said...

I've never seen anything like this either, but I agree that there are probably two living quarters in the house.

Chatty Crone said...

I love doors - in fact on Pinterest I have a file on doors. That first one with the roses is gorgeous.
I would love to know what the inside of that house looks like with the 2 doors so close.
Love the quote too Ginny.

photowannabe said...

I'm like everyone else..inquiring minds want to know.
Your mission, should you accept to find out whats behind the doors!!
Great post today.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Is it possibly 2 apartments, with different doors, to access the 2 different apartments?

But... Don't know how those 2 doors would work, for that, either. ~smile~


DawnTreader said...

Makes no sense to me, unless there is a diagonal wall inside between them. And even then... (hm)

Tamago said...

I’ve never seen doors arranged like that. Very interesting!

Inger said...

Those were some strange looking doors. You could knock on one and ask what's up and then share it with us. Tell them all your blogger friends want to know.

Sandi said...

Weird doors! I like Inger's idea but it is kinda scary...knock?? 😳

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is interesting . I am wondering if one door has been permanently closed and just left there.

Nancy Chan said...

I too think that they have closed one door and open the other which is a more convenient option. If you know the reason, please do share with us.

CheerfulMonk said...

It looks to me as one entrance is from the street, the other from stairs coming up from another level outside. (Notice the hand rail.) Interesting.

Jeanette said...

Yes that definitely is weird! I would like to see the inside to see if it's two entrances to the same space or two separate apartments.


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