Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday Evening

This evening we went up on the hill to watch the sunset.

Just after it set, we watched the Chimney Swifts circle and go down the tall chimney.

Then we drove to the drugstore to pick up some prescriptions. On the way there, the sky did this.

Next to us in the drive-thru, this dog was apparently picking up his master's drugs. He did not like my camera, and growled at me, giving me the evil eye the entire time.

On a balmy autumn night
We watch as the swifts eat while in flight
They chase the bugs up in the air
I love to just watch and stare
Coming back to earth, I feel heavy & slow
As I watch the sky in it's final glow



Reanaclaire said...

Oh, that is a very protective doggie.. he must be thinking what you were up to... hahaha... cute!

CheerfulMonk said...

Beautiful sunset, funny about the dog. :)

Gayla said...

Your twilight photos are gorgeous! Nothing becomes a day quite like its dawn and its evening... I had to laugh at that big dog... "No paparazzi, please!" It said that in no uncertain terms!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a wonderful way to end the day seeing a gorgeous sunset Ginny. Have a good weekend and thanks for all the comments.

Hootin Anni said...

love your ending quote by you! beautiful sunset & well trained dog...wonder if I could get our cat to drive.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Just beautiful. I always think that sunsets at this time of year are prettiest.

Ann said...

What a beautiful sunset that is.

Carol said...

My friend has been taking sunset photos lately too and we have had some majestic ones as this one is. I love the look on the dog's face, as he wondered what you were doing.

Martha said...

The photos are so amazing! The dog definitely didn't look happy, he thought you were up to no good lol.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

its odd that a bird dog like this one would growl.. he is beautiful. big hates cameras, so maybe this one does too..

George said...

I like your poem -- and your beautiful sky photos.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful sunset. Camera shy dog. Nice poem. Have a wonderful day.

Tamago said...

What a beautiful sunset and I love your poem!
The doggie must have been very serious about picking up the medicine :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful sunset pictures, but it is all those Chimney Swifts that got my attention. Around here people get excited to see one or two of them.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny. These photos make my heart sing...and I love your poem.

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE your poem. My dad's favorite bird is the Chimney Swift. This is a lovely post.
Thank you for sharing,

The Feminine Energy said...

*haha* That dog's face... priceless! I would have liked to see your expression in return, Ginny. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous....

Delightful to see them flying down to the chimney.

Ahhh, the dog "gave you the evil eye"!!! ~chuckle~ I do that a lot, when needed!!!!!!!! Not to you, of course!!!!!! ~smile~

We do not have a drive-through drug pickup. But our drug store has sent our meds, to our home, during this Wuhan Virus Pandemic. And it has been very, very helpful.


photowannabe said...

Beautiful sky and swifts.
How romantic, even when picking up prescriptions.
Enjoy your day.

Chatty Crone said...

Disco would have done the same thing!

Mari said...

So pretty! I love your poem too.
That dog thought you looked suspicious! :)

Buttercup said...

Your pictures are always great, but especially love the dog picture. Perfect!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved the photos and loved that cute dog at the end :)


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