Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Bluebird

I saw this on a Words With Friends ad. I love it! It is a bluebrd made of paint sample stips! Sherwin Willimas also had a video of other birds flying to their nests, all made of paint strip samples. I was not able to edit it to get it more clear.


Linda said...

I love this!! May your Monday be blessed, as well! Love playing Words With Friends with you!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

This is cute. Labour Dat is back again as years just seem to fly by. And this year is a tough one. Stay safe.

The Feminine Energy said...

How beautiful, Ginny. Happy Monday to you too. Love, Andrea xoxo

Terra said...

I like the art work of the bluebirds, and that is a first for me, seeing the bluebird made of paint sample strips.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful Ginny! I love this.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a clever idea to use paint strips that way.

Nancy Chan said...

I love the cute bird. Great idea to use the paint strips. Have a happy new week.

Ann said...

How clever and creative. I was looking at the picture in your header and didn't realize they were paint samples. After I read it then it stuck right out.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wow! I would never have the patience to create something like that. I really like the painting also. And, of course, the words are so comforting.

Martha said...

Wow, talk about artistic! I love it :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

It is quite amazing and I would never have thought of using those strips but they're perfect if you know what you're doing and have an artistic gift and this surely does have that gift

Susie said...

I love when we have bluebirds here. They are Eastern bluebirds. We had some this year. It's hard to keep the wrens from nesting in their houses, before they can arrive. Blessings for a great new week, xoxo, Susie

Rose said...

I do love both the bluebirds and your messages...quotes? Not sure what to call them.

Mari said...

That paint strip bluebird is so cool! It's a wonderful verse too.
You asked about Heather and Andrew on my post. Heather is our daughter. She and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. They were going to a fertility Dr, but then it got put on hold because of covid and the fact that they couldn't go in to the office during that time. Then during that time, she got pregnant! So we feel this is a miracle baby and we are thanking God for answered prayers.
Our porch is going to have a roof, but will not be enclosed or screened in.

George said...

What a neat bird. Someone has a great deal of artistic creativity.

Chatty Crone said...

That bird made of paint strips - so cute. Happy Labor Day!

Tamago said...

What a beautiful creation of bluebird! Love it!

photowannabe said...

Love the Bluebird of Happiness.
That's the perfect focus for this morning.
When craziness is running rampant I am glad to know that I am sheltered under the shadow of The Almighty.

photowannabe said...

I really love those Sherman Williams commercials...
I think they are the only commercials I even look at.
Beautiful birds and wild animals all animated with paint sample clever.

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! That would take a whole lot of time and talent to make a bluebird like that. i do like it but will not attempt to make one myself.

Inger said...

Blue Birds are so pretty. Have a wonderful rest of the day.


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