Saturday, December 11, 2010


Uh-oh, looks like big trouble here! Seems that Santa's sleigh has broken down, and he has gotten under it to try and fix it! He has so many miles to travel, perhaps he forgot to get it inspected or it needed an oil change, maybe a fan belt broke. But wait, here is my Phil to save the day for all the children round the world!! I'm sure he can help Santa! Once, our car completly broke down and wouldn't start, something about a water hose I think. And Phil fixed it with only a knife and a screwdriver. Move over, Santa, there's a new elf in town! Turned out that Santa was so grateful that afterward, he let my friend and I sit on his lap! Phil preferred to stand, as you can see in the header. Of course the real gift giver did not use a sleigh, he rode on a donkey. The gift he gave was himself, and that gift gave us eternal life.

"Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell them that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away." This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: Say to the Daughter of Zion, See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Matthew 21


Annie Jeffries said...

You are just brilliant, Ginny. Your segues from whimsey to honoring the Great Gifter of us all reached new heights. Phil must have gotten Santa's sleigh moving again so the Son of God could hitch a ride.

SquirrelQueen said...

That is too cute Ginny, Phil gave Santa a hand and saved the day. Phil sounds like my hubby, all he needs is a roll of duct tape and his Leatherman and he can fix anything.

Anonymous said...

Phil seems a little tall for an elf!!!!! What a cute post.

Ann said...

What a nice picture that is in your header. Three cheers to Phil for saving the day with Santa's sleigh

From the Kitchen said...

Children all over the world will now be chanting "Phil, Phil, Phil"! Very cute!

What did you ask Santa for?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wow! A knife and a screwdriver. that is pretty impressive. He's is a keeper. And so is the baby born this season.

Jane said...

Really cute story, Ginny. You certainly do have a way with words and I, for one, enjoy them greatly. Love your header photo too!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE your drapes on the desk top and the header is PERFECT. who is the lady with you and Phil and Santa? and that looks like my hubby santa under that car. how did he get way up there? sleigh and reindeer?
once on a trip to GA our hose blew and Bob did the same thing, cut it shorter and hooked it up, but it had blown out the water. we were on a 6 lane intersate and accrosss all those lanes was a mobile home sitting in about 50 acres. he crossed all the lanes climbed the barb wire fence and walked all the way to the mobile home. they gave him two milk jugs of water and he dumped it in and we made it to the next exit. the gas station said he did not have one to fit the car, bob pointed at one and said give me that one, he said we cant put that on, bob said did not ask you to, he charged us 40 dollars for a 5 dollar hose and bob MADE it fit.
another time he used duct tape to fix a hose and left it lie that for a year

Anonymous said...

New elf in town! I like that! Also the header photo!

Thank you for the comment on my blog.I had wanted to use the Christmas theme for some time but was waiting for the right moment:)

Arti said...

Wow... Such a lovely post.. Great pics, loved the new header!!
And yes, I hope Santa gets His car fixed so that He can travel around the world:)
Have a wonderful day:)

Neal said...

Cute!! He fixed something without duct tape? :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Cute pictures.I love the header.Santa looks quite happy to be surrounded by two beautiful women.

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, I love your header! It's a beautiful picture! Also, Phil saved the day! That was a cute story :)
We would love to see your Christmas tree, my mother's is huge and trust me, mine looks nothing like it's the spirit in the tree, not the tree itself!

Tracy said...

I love your new header and gosh, thank you Phil for saving Christmas; perhaps we can call him Rudolph!?
the photos are quite whimsical and enchanting...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hooray for Phil.... YEAH---Phil to the rescue. I'm sure that Santa can use a good elf like Phil....

Cute post, Ginny, and love the picture of you and your friend on Santa's knee--with the elf standing behind....


DawnTreader said...

It seems to me that it's the raindeer that is missing fromt that sledge... ho-ho-ho... Maybe they've gone on strike. I visited their stables today and that was empty too.

George said...

It was good of Phil to lend a helping hand. I'm sure Santa will remember that on Christmas Eve. These are cute pictures.

S. Etole said...

Great photos and fun ...

Stephanie V said...

That's a pretty amazing sled that Santa has. Somehow, I always thought it was lower tech LOL

Lady Jane said...

Love this post!!! Annie couldnt have said it better!!! You light does so shine...

Kerrie said...

What a cute post! That was fun! I love the way you tie in the Gospel with every post! Good job! Hugs, Kerrie

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a giggle. Your photos are wonderful, Ginny. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

Dawning Inspiration said...

LOVE your words - "the real gift giver..." PERFECT!

Phil sounds like a regular MacGyver kinda guy... how awesome. Still love your header - makes me smile every time I see it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Another fun to read post today! I enjoy your blog a bunch! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay warm!

Bobbie said...

I love your header!!! So nice that Phil saved the day for ol' Saint Nick... I love the Christmas Story. It brings tears to my eyes every time... tears of joy, of course. Thanks for sharing this Ginny. As always, I've been blessed.

Glenda said...

You do find the most interesting shots, Ginny! Love these fun photos! And I'm glad I know the Gift Giver you wrote about!!

Your previous post photos are gorgeous!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

God gave you a useful handyman, Phil. I am an lucky to have one if them. My husband is pretty good with his hands.

Praise God for husbands who love the Lord and love us.

Chatty Crone said...

Adorable story - and loved seeing y'all on Santa's lap. Thank hubby for helping him.

I agree with you though - Jesus's gift was best.


Anonymous said...

A very merry photo :-)


gemini said... it Gin, so creatively done, just the scenario I needed for the challenges am facing it lifted my spirit today. Thank you very much for sharing your talents.

Fred Alton said...

Loved this post, Ginny! Yes, just leave the repairs up to the man and his Leatherman or Gerber tool with a little duct tape.

Kilauea Poetry said...

I'm waiting for hubby to fix my crooked tree!! Hey..I picked up the second (cough) to the last one from Home Depot!! Serious. Well these are hilarious..enjoyed this read and your so right!

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