Monday, December 20, 2010

The Time Of My Life

So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
While our son turned 40 yesterday, today was a very special day for us as well. Today Phil and I have been married 41 years. I continue to be amazed by Phil each day. He is the kindest, most tolerant and patient person I have ever known, and has a fabulous sense of humor. It has been a wonderful gift to be married to him. Since I have been blogging, he will make U turns, stop by the side of the road at a moment's notice, and back up with no forewarning. All so I can take pictures. And without a single complaint ever. Above are the lyrics to one of his favorite songs by Green Day. How appropriate, because he for sure has given me the time of my life.

The man said "Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her woman for she was made from man. " Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. they become one flesh... The Message-Genesis 2:24


Annie Jeffries said...

What a handsome couple you were and STILL are. Love does that to people.


Reanaclaire said...

Reading this post made me so happy for you, Ginny.. do treasure your times together.. weakness we have but overlooking them is a blessing...

Tracy said...

Oh Ginny, I am so glad you have found and continue to have true love in your life. He sounds like a keeper and the part about him making U-turns; what a great guy!
I also love the photo of the hands on your header...I'm a hand lover and feel they reveal so much aobut a person's life.
Thank you for your continual positive comments on my blog~ I truly treasure you and your visits!

Arti said...

You make for a perfect couple, you really do.... May you live happily all your life!! You have put us great pics on this wonderful occasion... Loved the first one, how beautiful:-)
Happy birthday to your son and Happy anniversary to You and Phil.
Have a blessed day:-)

RoeH said...

What a pleasure all those photos and memories must be for you. You are very blessed. Not everyone gets that kind of a life.

Mary Bergfeld said...

A very Happy Anniversary to you both. Then and now, you're quite the handsome couple. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Fred Alton said...

Reading this made me very happy for Phil! Having a spouse who praises you publicly is a wonderful gift. Happy Anniversary to you both! And may God give you many more years together.

pam said...

Happy Anniversary! A good man is such a gift!

Ann said...

Congratulations to you both. When I was newly married oh so many years ago I dreamed about what it would be like to celebrate those milestone anniversaries. Sadly it didn't happen for me. You truly found the love of your life and I would say you have a keeper.

Deborah said...

AWWWW, Happy Anniversary! You two are so sweet. An inspiration to me!

Melanie said...

What a beautiful post! You two look so great together.
Happy Anniversary! I hope you will have many more happy years together. ♥

Anonymous said...

Ginny, Happy Birthday to your son and Happy 41st Anniversary to you and Phil.

I hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas :-)

God Bless You, ~Ron

Kerrie said...

Ginny, that was just beautiful! Don't you just marvel at how God brought the two of you together? I always say that my hubby Bill is my one blessing even if I have nothing else. Sounds like you two have this relationship, too! Happy, Happy Anniversary and many more!! Hugs, Kerrie

Karin said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! When you know that you are in the will of God for your lives, it gives pure joy! Blessings for many, many more happy years together!

DawnTreader said...

Happy anniversary! May there be many more to come.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your marriage is a true one made in heaven and like a fairy tale. congratulations and happy anniversary. love the hand header, not sure how you manage to take that shot

Bobbie said...

What a gem you have in Phil! God put two special people together when he united you as a couple because you were meant to be together. I love the post, and the photos. I can tell by his kind face that all of the great characteristics that you described in him are true. And something tells me that he would say the same of you, Ginny. Happy Anniversary!! Now, what special plans do you have to celebrate?

photowannabe said...

Happy Anniversary to you. You've written a lovely tribute to your Hubby and about how choice and rich your marriage is. To another 40 years, happiness always.

Beverly said...

Happy anniversary to you too. I can testify to the fact that you have one of the kindest, gentlest husbands on the planet. He truly is a treasure. Oh, by the way, so are you.

And happy birthday to Mike yesterday!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Anniversary! I pray you are granted many more years of love and happiness.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Congratulations Ginny! My parents, brother (now niece) and sister's are all this month as well. Ours was October.
It's a nice feeling besides a worth-while share to be content with the one you love! I'm happy to know what a special meaningful relationship you('ve)had and the happiness your kids have brought you. My oldest son is just ten years younger than yours (you probably remember)

Remington said...

Happy Anniversary, my dear friends! I hope you have a GREAT day! Enjoy!

srp said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful example you have become for your children and others!

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Anniversary Ginny & Phil!

The two of you are so lucky to have found perfect soul mates in each other. Finding another person who can make you happy for a lifetime is not an easy task.

My sweet hubby and I celebrated our sixteenth anniversary last month, we have a long way to go to catch up with you and Phil.

Have a wonderful day!


Doris Sturm said...

What a wonderful tribute to a loving man and yes, you are both blessed by being in each other's lives. What you have is special and not all married folks can say that about one another!

Happy 41st Wedding Anniversary!

I loved your wedding cake photo when you are both so young and just starting out! Very sweet!

S. Etole said...

This is so precious ... what the two of you share and how you share it. May blessings continue to fill your hearts.

Stephanie V said...

Congratulations! Your words say it all. You both look so happy then - and now! Lovely post.

Neal said...

Nice. And he even takes you to shall I say this ... outof the way places so you can photograph scantily clad women. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My dear Ginny,

No wonder our lives are connected.

Today, is your 41st anniversary, and it is my 32th. The similarity ends here. My husband is an unromantic China man and we don't celebrate our wedding anniversary. Though last night, in my evening prayer, I thanked God for the 32 years we had, and my husband was reminded.

I hope you have a great day.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

While my husband is not romantic, like your Phil, he will stop the car so I can take photos.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I am rather late about my own comments, too! I have been married 38 years to my husband. I was looking at your photo and thought how wonderful it was! I also think that I had a very similar cake topper for my own wedding cake - same era so it is possible. Have a super great day tomorrow!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are the first to get the answer. It is a baby pigmy hippo, and it is under water. You can see the fish swimming.

Kelly L said...

This is an amazing post - Congratulations - love seeing the loving after so many years. Here's to many more.
Blessings to you
I've Become My Mother

Smita Srivastava said...

A very happy anniversary to both of you ... May God give you many more wonderful years together. The pics are lovely n you look simply gorgeous in all the pics ...

What Karen Sees said...

I think this is my favorite post so far. All the wealth or power or fame could not be worth a fraction of what it means to share your life and love with someone so special. Congratulations to both of you, and I wish you many, many more happy years!

Our Journey said...

Happy Anniversary to two of our favorite people!!! Love, Mike & Melissa & Anne Marie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A belated congratulations on your anniversary and your son's birthday, Ginny! Having a good spouse is the best blessing of all

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh how you two are blessed to have each other - Happy Anniversary!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely couple you and Phil make. Happy 41st anniversary. Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and a year of health and happiness. Love you, Mildred

Anonymous said...

Belated anniversary wishes to a wonderful couple! You're blessed Ginny. Not every man will stop for a blogger's photo!;)Felt good reading about the two of you....may you have many, many more years of happiness together!

Mom Daughter Style said...

It's so great to see this Ginny! YOu make a handsome couple and congratulations for being together all the years.

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