Monday, December 13, 2010

The Little Church

Isn't this a sweet little church? Lets come closer to get a better look, shall we? The doors are open, so maybe we should even peek inside. Oh, they are all decorated for Christmas, and the preacher is speaking! My, it looks like he's having a very bad hair day! Perhaps it's the wind, someone really ought to shut that door!! Well, if you haven't guessed yet, this really is a tiny church, it's only about three feet high! It is a Christmas decoration on display at a local park. All the little details are done so well, I thought it was just charming!

When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there. The Message: Matthew 18:19,20


SquirrelQueen said...

What a cute little church Ginny, in the first photo it look real. That must be a great display at your park.

The tree in your header photo is beautiful, the room looks like one in a really nice hotel.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

How sweet. It looks like they may even be getting ready to share in the Lord's supper!

art is in the kitchen said...

Wonderful blessings to you and family this Christmas season! Magnificent tree and the little church is so real! I just made a similar one on my blog yesterday! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a sweet, little church Ginny. I have to agree that the preacher's hair could use some taming!!!

Nature Rambles said...

Lovely indeed! It does look real. And the details are great. Love the tree on your header!

Reanaclaire said...

hi Ginny, this post is sweet.. reminds us of our Lord..
by the way, my blog is having some problem and is not found in the server..i have reported it to google and hope they restore it back in one or two days time.. meanwhile if you have anything, email to me..thanks!

Melanie said...

That is so sweet...wonderful detail too. :)
Hope you're having a beautiful Christmas season. ♥

From the Kitchen said...

I just love what goes on in your neighborhood! The little church is wonderful. It reminds me of one's I see scattered all over your great valley. Thanks for a good start to my day.


Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a charming church.I love the tree in the header,is it yours?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is indeed charming and at first i thought it was a real church until i scrolled further down. very nice little church. i always loved doll houses and this is a doll church.

Arti said...

Very beautiful indeed... Very neatly done!! Good they left the door open for us to have a peek... Its a lovely decoration!!
Have a nice week:-)

Karin said...

That little church is sooooo cute! Your header is beautiful too! Thanks for sharing!

Stephanie V said...

You fooled me! A very sweet decoration.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

How sweet, cute little Church! Thanks for sharing

Together We Save said...

I love little churches like that!! The details are great!

Kerrie said...

Adorable! I love miniatures! I bet it is beautiful in real life!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is soooo the preacher's hair.. and the tree at the top of your

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So glad to see that a park would allow such religious decorations - other than angels or a nativity creche (and those are few and far between in many localities these days). It is charming! Nice Scripture to go with the post. Thanks for brightening my day! Stay warm and have a fabulous day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How neat, Ginny.... I love miniatures--and remember seeing them on display one time --either in Texas or Arkansas (years ago)... Sweet little church... And yes, the minister's hair does need SOMETHING... ha

Tell us about your header... Looks like big hotel or office building of some kind.

S. Etole said...

What a lot of intricate detail for such a tiny little church.

George said...

I really like this little church. I'm somewhat surprised that it is part of a display at park, but I'm glad it is.

What Karen Sees said...

Appropriately described - very sweet!

Ann said...

that is a cute little church. What an awesome decoration. I just love this time of year seeing all the different things people put out. That poor preacher really does need help with is hair

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well it's all we really need to remember too.
I saw something of this nature(minature type) in Arizona at a museum with my boys back in 2000.
That tree is absolutely gorgeous!!

Remington said...

Very cute! BTW -- I don't think Mr. Brett Favre will play any more this year....

RoeH said...

I love the little church! And what a great header! Christmas trees are so pretty.

Unknown said...

Oh, Ginny, what a darling wee church. It is awesome & so real.

Christmas hugs & joys ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Like your header photo, I was looking at the painting at the back room.

Many people actually have IBS, only they don't talk about it. I must be allergic to some food I eat, my husband says it is the chilli, but it didn't make any difference if I don't take any. It doesn't cause me much discomfort, except when I need to go, i must go. If I go on a whole day's trip, I take a little pill, and that is supposed to dry up the stuff.

In New Zealand, LBL stands for light bladder leakage, for women who have multiple births and a weak pelvic floor muscle. I don't need a pad except when I have a cold. Ahchoo! then it is Oh Dear!
I joke with my kids, it is because of them.

Fred Alton said...

A wonderful miniature display of the Church...something the Lord said he would personally protect, so that even all the wisdom of hell could not prevail against it! Someone spent hours working on that project and did a great job!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your holiday header is gorgeous and that little church is really dear. It looks like the preacher had a bad hair day :-). Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Annie Jeffries said...

What a cute church Ginny. And it's in a public park. Kudos to the community that doesn't make a fuss about such things.

Your header today is gorgeous. I'd say keep it up for a few days but then we might miss out on something else. Your daily header changes are rare in blogland (in my experience anyway) and I've come to look forward to them.

Bobbie said...

At first glance, I thought it was a little church that people could go into to pray. We have one of those here in our area. Then as we got closer I thought, wow, that preacher has some wild hair. LOL> Then of course, you explained... This is sweet! And as always, I love the scripture included in your post. Hope you and Phil are well.

Neal said...

Beautiful Ginny. I love your header photo also!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The Little Church is so charming! It has such nice detail.

Dawning Inspiration said...

VERY cute! Love the wild hair!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - I have COUNTED on that verse many many times in my life and it has never failed me.

Love that guys hair - it looks like mine!


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