Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's The Eyes

My friend gets bees get stuck in the screen on her porch, but she tells me that she does not kill them. When I asked her why, she said "It's their eyes, have you looked into their eyes?" I knew what she was talking about, because I have indeed looked into a bee's eyes. The first picture is probably the best I have taken showing a bee's eye. But let's look a little closer. The last picture is a bee's eye magnified 650 times. I took this picture from a book. When you look this closely, you see that it does not look very human after all. It does not even look like an eye. A bee has a compound eye, made up of hundreds of single eyes, each with it's own lens and looking in a different direction. Yet all of these eyes come together to form one image. How amazing are the different ways that God has created every living creature.

"But in fact God has arranged the parts of the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be...As it is, there are many parts, but one body." 1 Cor.12


SquirrelQueen said...

You know I love the little honey bees Ginny and those beautiful little eyes are one of the reasons. Like you I get as close as possible and try to catch the light in their eyes. Your photos are beautiful.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful photos. What an amazing God we have. He gives each of us exactly what we need.
It is interesting to read different versions of the bible and discover different translations.

Anonymous said...

Incredible photos Ginny and God is truly amazing!

From the Kitchen said...

Amazing! I'm a friend of bees. Maybe it is their eyes. I've never thought about it. When they arrive back next summer (where do bees go in the winter?), I'll pay closer attention.


Fred Alton said...

Well, Eye declare! I had no idea how many eyes were staring at me when I was too close to that bee-hive! ☻ All jokes aside, I'm considering trying a hive at the cabin in the mountains.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Many parts -yet only one body!!!!!

Great pictures of the bees. I had not ever noticed the bee's eyes before. That last one is unbelievable.... I never would have guessed what it was.

Great post, Friend.

Karin said...

If God gives such amazing eyes to the tiny little bees, I can now understand far better how HE himself does not miss a thing. AWESOME! Nothing is hidden from Him. Love bees, but especially their honey - so useful for so many things! My deal with them is if they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone!

Love the verse - a great picture of the beehive and of the body of Christ. We each have our purpose!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hi from the bee hater. if it gets stuck in my screen it is dead. i wish i could send all you bee lovers the hundreds that are making my powder puff bush hum so loud i can hear it laying in bed. the tree is right outside the windows. i am terrified to walk by the tree. the bees chase me so i think they know i hate them. also they chase Jake because he hates them to. he has been stunk a few times and hates all things that buzz him. theser are great photos and i did not know about the eye thing. good info here,

RoeH said...

I never knew that! One more fascinating fact about nature and the creation of all of it.

Remington said...

Great information! Thanks! I love bees they are so cool!

What Karen Sees said...

How very interesting! I would never have imagined a bee's eye would look like that. I think they are fine, buzzing around my sunflowers as long as they hold still for pictures and keep their distance from me - HaHa.

Kerrie said...

Ginny, this post is awesome! Amazing! hugs, Kerrie

LC said...

You bees the best, Ginny! Groan. Okay, Fred started it with his eye pun; I blame it on him! And Sandra, I've been wondering if Mason bees would thrive in our southern climate. . . or if they are already here and I just don't recognize them. They pollinate but don't sting? MsKriss at mentioned them in an older post on her blog. I haven't been successful in finding info about my region. And Ginny, I love your bee pix. So dramatic.

Stephanie V said...

You've done it again, Ginny. Love bees - and their eyes. But I've never seen a photo like the last one. Cool!

Vittle me this... said...

That was a beautiful post!

Chatty Crone said...

I totally get what you posted and your message - and as long as they leave me alone - I'll leave them alone. Have you ever been stung? Ouch.


Together We Save said...

I would kill them... I don't like to be stung!! I love your pictures though!

Unknown said...

Oh, they are so pretty! I don't kill bees... but we don't have many of them here. It takes a pretty hardy bee to live in the Great White NOrth! ;o)

Ann said...

I knew they had some strange looking eyes but I never saw a close up like that one before. Pretty awesome looking but I would still kill it if it was stuck in my screen.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Where I now live, I have only seen a single Honeybee in 15 months! I have seen Mason Bees and Bumblebees plus loads of different Wasps but no Honeybees! Have a great evening tonight!

S. Etole said...

How very complex ...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are so creative, you make half a flower attractive. Often, I discard mine.

Have a great week end.

George said...

You got a great picture of the eye of the bee in that first photo. Thanks for all the fascinating information about the eyes of the bee.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Great pictures, Ginny & even Greater message in this post!! Wonderful!!! :-)

PS. I could never kill a bee after seeing these pictures and the reminder here of God's creatures. ~ Coreen

Doris Sturm said...

I just love your bee photos and yes, it is truly amazing how each creature is made to serve them best for what their purpose is in life ...the bee only lives about 35 days, so killing them, especially since they are so useful, would really be a shame.

As you know, I'm a big bee fan and have studied the honey bee in particular. I discovered many interesting facts about these amazing insects in the animal kingdom. I hope and pray that they will never go extinct; otherwise, mankind will be in big trouble indeed.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Must of been subconscious cause I almost commented again on the Four Seasons! I mean I can't get over those precious photos-
Your bees are magic! The eyes are enlightening and is as you say-

Nature Rambles said...

Great bee photos, Ginny. But the last picture is truly amazing.

And I'm so glad you pointed out the difference between a toad and a frog on my blog. Sometimes the everyday things are overlooked and never really given much thought. A shame really! I'll need to correct it.

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