Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Strange Sight

These are some of the strangest Christmas decorations I've seen in our valley. Well, I guess nothing says Christmas like piggies, a seal, a W.W. bug, a giantic Coke bottle, a fire breathing dragon in a pond, and Humpty Dumpty. The seal and the Coke bottle are in the very front of different houses, right by the road. I posted these last year, but I thought they were worth showing again. Do you find that strange? Here is one of the many very strange things that happened to Moses.

"There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought "I will go over and see this strange sight-why the bush does not burn up."


SquirrelQueen said...

I saw some piggy tree ornaments last year so I guess it is the latest trend in decoration, still a bit strange. The Coke bottle and VW seem more like advertising. Maybe this shows how commercialized the holiday has become.

Nature Rambles said...

Strange indeed! I've never seen such decorations. But I found them interesting. Thanks for posting these pictures.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ginny, Very unique pictures today. We are cold & windy today. Hope you stay warm and cozy and have a great Monday.

From the Kitchen said...

I've seen some rather strange combinations of lighted objects on lawns around town. There are the gigantic blow ups that are sometimes taller than the house. There's the mixture of penguins, Santa Claus, the Holy Family and Rudolph--all in one yard.

The star in your header is wonderful.


Melanie said...

Those are some interesting decorations. I especially like the pigs. They're so cute.
Have a great week! :)

gemini said...

Hello Ginny...hahhaha...I was really so amused by these shots...we did a contest on the most uniques Christmas Lights Creations and people just came up with the most unusual but beautiful work of art...Great shots here, and am enjoying every bit of it, thanks for posting!

Reanaclaire said...

Christmas is coming..maybe this year is something different.. but why coke? hahaha.. nice unique...

Karin said...

The burning bush that Moses saw must have been frightening and Moses was asked to remove his shoes as He was standing on holy ground. A strange sight indeed!

George said...

I have to admit that these are some of the most unusual Christmas decorations I've ever seen. I guess I'm just too much of a traditionalist.

Chatty Crone said...

Good Morning Ginny,

If I had a VW, the time, and talent - I'd do the same thing to my car - I love it - then, I am weird.


Remington said...

Those are some strange decorations but interesting! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Interesting lighted decorations but rather odd for Christmas I agree. I guess it is like those who have rather cheeky or off beat holiday cards. Some just want to be different. I am traditional, I guess. Have a super Monday. Enjoy the lights of all kinds!

DawnTreader said...

The pigs are not strange to me. Pigs are common in Swedish Christmas traditions. Unless you're a vegetarian, the Christmas ham is the main course on the Christmas table. In the old days, they used to decorate the pig's head with frosting, put an apple in its mouth, and have that on the table as well. When we bake Christmas gingerbread biscuits, one of the common pastry-cutters used is shaped like a pig. I've seen candle holders (esp. old ones) shaped like pigs; and old Christmas cards with "tomtar"/gnomes riding pigs. No doubt the pig goes back to pre-Christian midwinter celebrations here in Scandinavia. There is a pig Saerimner in the Old Norse religion which had sort of "eternal life" . It was killed and eaten every night in the hall of the gods; and brought back to life again in the morning. Now you've given me an idea for another blog post ;) I'll try to find some pictures to go with it...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love your pics again, cute strange decorations, I have never seen.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you reposted, i did not see them last year. love the vw bug and the piggys are my favorite and they are strange and out of the norm. your star header is stunning. i love that, is is made of glass? i love all things glass, as you can tell by my blog all week

Debbie Taillieu said...

Does make you wonder what happened to Angels, Snowmen, trees and Santa's.
Too cute!
Have a fabulous day!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ah, strange perhaps, but you not only stopped you also photographed :-). Me thinks there is method in their madness. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Together We Save said...

You have seen some odd decorations!! Those piggies are just so funny!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, They are 'different' for sure.... I guess I'd prefer any of those over those HORRIBLE Plastic blow-up yard ornaments... GAG--those things are horrid....

Like the VW Bug...

Neal said...

Those are really cute. Unique also.

Ann said...

Well those certainly are some different decorations. Personally I prefer the more traditional and low key look :)

Tracy said...

Hah, truly a thought that comes to mind is: 'whatever floats your boat!'
people truly do have uniqueness, don't they?

Bobbie said...

I love that Bug! Yep, some real unusual decorations for sure...

S. Etole said...

What an unusual array of Christmas lights ....

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, we have simplified our decorations to a lighted angel made of wire and plastic with lights arranged around it to take the place of our tree. It seems the new ornaments get larger and more unique every year. It's awesome to watch the grand-children stare in wonder and amazement this time of year!

LC said...

Ginny, these are so funny. I was looking for your photo you used as a header several times, the one of Christmas lights at the Richmond gardens 2009. i would love to link to it from my Bellingrath Garden post, a followup to a post inspired by yours of 2009 Christmas light pix. Linked to your "nutty Noel" collection!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Humm.. some very unique Christmas decorations.. yet interesting! :-)

Thanks for sharing with us!!!
Have a Wonderful week, Ginny!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I think for many people, Christmas is just an occasion to eat drink and be merry. Christmas shopping becomes a chore.

I was about to ask what has Puff the magic dragon got to do with Christmas lights.

Re: Trash, when I was doing the zero waste, we collected all the rubbish, sort them out and weighed them. I wasn't a pleasant job to do, Perhaps this is what is being audited. I think that have a bin for non organic trash to tell people that was how much trash. plastic etc had been collected.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

if you look at 6th & 7th photo, you ill see us sorting up the rubbish.

Jeanne said...

Goodness, those are some very unusual decorations! I love riding around and seeing what everyone has done. We didn't do anything outside except our wreaths this year.
Stay warm!

Kilauea Poetry said...

On the one hand I like your bright colorful on the other- it demonstrates the ultimate in tackiness (lol)..(not you) but, it may be advertising, so I guess they feel they have grounds? Love your charming header!!
Hey, I'd been a little extra busy but left a link on my last post to your question..I'm sure you'd find the story really check it out when you have the time-

Kilauea Poetry said...

I just read Dawn Traders comment and realized I've seen pigs too but she put things into perspective didn't she! One year they had a tree in Macy's decorated with Tiki dolls! My grandma (mom's side)came from Sweden too..but my mom never displayed any pigs (ha ha)..they loved cheese but no cows either (grin). I feel sorry for them, ha-

Hope said...

yes for Christmas it does seem strange to see VW and other things that really don't have anything to do with Christmas.
sad really in a way..
thank you for your visits..
soft hugs..

srp said...

My brother says that in Europe they always give a small gift of a pig in some form.. something about bringing good fortune in the new year. I have seen peppermint in the form of a pig sold in catalogues. He brought a teeny, tiny, itsy bitsy pig and I put him in with my little kids nativity set. Now as for the other lights... very, very unusual!

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...