Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lost In Fantasyland

Well, we did it again. We went to Richmond today and got lost. It seems that we get lost everywhere we go, and are the laughingstock among our friends. I have Phil print out directions or a map before we leave, but to no avail. The directions always have a flaw in them or the map is of the wrong thing. Today we were going back to the Botanical Gardens to see the Christmas lights, we have been there four times. Still...lost. We always end up having to stop at several places to get directions, and I will say that Phil is very good about wanting to stop and ask. It's just the places he stops old southern garage, leaving me in the center of a gang of middle aged Harley Davidson riders, a gap toothed, one eyed pirate at a specialty store, a one armed drug addict needing money...the stopping to ask part is much more frightening than being lost. And here is where we ended up tonight. After driving around in the dark forever, we knew we'd overshot our turn, so he stopped at the first place he saw. And it was an adult fantasy store, in a bad part of town, in the dark. The window had scantily clad females in Santa hats, and men half naked wearing bejeweled boxer shorts. Glassy eyed men were leaving the store with little pink bags holding fun things to give their wives or girlfriends. Why does this even surprise me anymore? He never manages to stop at a decent place for help. And when we have to ask for help, it's so important that we go to the right place, isn't it?

"For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so I will look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness...I will search for the lost and bring back the strays." Ezekiel 34


Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny, When I first saw your photos, I could not imagine what your post would be about! I do hope you made it to the gardens eventually!!!

Anonymous said...

Ginny...that's right. About stopping at the right kind of place, I mean. But your words and your descriptions are so good that I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about it. Like Mildred I wasn't too sure what the post was going to be still chuckling!

Reanaclaire said...

hahahaa...Ginny, u r hilarious!! Maybe your partner wanted u to get some nice pressie for yourself, that was why he stopped there.. :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I can't imagine that stuff would be very comfortable...

Jane said...

Funny! Your next stop needs to be at Best Buy for a GPS. I can't live without mine....


Tracy said...

Hah! I tend to agree with Jane...go to Best Buy and buy a GPS. That stuff is just... well, why? brings new understanding to the phrase 'to each his own' :)

DawnTreader said...

And still you manage to see the funny side of it, and get a blog post out of the experience... :)

From the Kitchen said...

Words fail me as I roar with laughter!

O.K., I have a few words: I was really eager to get to the end of the photos to find out what your words would convey about them. I was making up stuff in my head!!


Neal said...

You just wait until you get your Christmas stocking and then you'll see why he stopped there. :) That was funny...not as funny as Betsy and her soup but funny.

Karin said...

Oh my - you two are full of adventures aren't you! You are so right about going to the right source for advice! God bless!

Melanie said...

What a funny post! Are you sure your husband isn't doing this on purpose so you'll get some great blog material? :)
I have gotten lost in Richmond before too...not fun!
We're out of school today because of the snow. :)

Stephanie V said...

That's hilarious, Ginny. I suppose it's not so funny when you're sitting in the car waiting. These adventures are always much better in the re-telling. Hope you managed to get to the other bright lights after all that.

Fred Alton said...

Fantasyland indeed! I had to laugh ... and then you brought out the sobering fact that no matter where one is, no matter the place or condition, the Lord has no trouble finding you!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I think the two of you have an awfully good time together. I do hope you were able to get "un-lost" and enjoy the botanic garden. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Oh my! Adventures of the odd kind. I had similar happen once. You just have to know that you did not do anything to be ashamed of and, as you have, laugh it off.
Have a great day today!

George said...

Thanks for the smiles. Many women complain because their husbands won't ask for directions. Phil does ask and you still complain! I've always heard that 'getting there is an adventure', and this post just proves it. Did you eventually make it to the gardens?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as i scrolled through the photos i was thinking BWAK BWAK BWAK what is she doing THERE and WHY and you know all the things that were running through my mind. what a hot on all the places you stopped for directions. did you ever find the gardens? did you see the lights or go back home after a Walk On The Wild Side?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

First before I forget, i love your header... That Cardinal cannot hide in winter...

WELL---I laughed and laughed at you two getting lost AGAIN... Please get yourself a Garmin GPS for the car.. Those things are fabulous--IF you put the name and address of where you are going in --BEFORE leaving home... It will take you either the fastest way or the shortest distance...

And tell Phil to quit stopping at those 'bad' places... Truly, I laughed and laughed... What a HOOT.... (Sorry---bet it was not funny to you at the time.)

Hope you made it --and can show us some beautiful pictures...


Kilauea Poetry said...

This was hilarious!! OMGosh, my dad..the memories I have of him lost and frustrated- not to mention what he put us through! My niece did something like went back during the day to get even better pictures didn't you!! (Heh)-I love this. I have to have a land mark to remember so I don't forget where the heck I parked! (Lol)-:)

Doris Sturm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doris Sturm said...

Congratulations, Ginny, you are one of the three winners of my December/Christmas giveaway!

If you send me your mailing address to

I'll mail your prize (B) tomorrow!

Again, congratulations and thanks for playing along!

sm said...

like the pics
and heading

Remington said...

Now THAT was funny!

Ann said...

scrolling through your pictures I was beginning to think that you were going to tell us about some wild night you had. Well I suppose in a way I guess you
Hey at least he'll stop and ask for directions. that's more than most men will do

Deborah said...

Ginny, you and your husband must be a riot driving around! I love your header! I just took a picture like that one at my mothers but not that good....

Doris Sturm said...

Ginny, I don't mean to laugh, but I am LOL - this is hilarious - well, unless it's happening to you in the dark, in a shady part of town...just look at it this way: Life with dear hubby is always an adventure! Maybe from now on you should have your pepper spray handy, ok?

Annie Jeffries said...

Sooo sorry, G, but this is HISTERICAL. I know you don't think so but look at this this way, life isn't dull and none of these "disturbing" people have harmed you. Right? Even the gap-toothed pirate was harmly. Oh please, please, tell us where that one was.

S. Etole said...

blushing ....

srp said...

I hope you finally got to where you were going!!! It took us two hours to get the normally 15 minute drive from the mall to the house today in all the snow and slush and sleet and rain.

Bobbie said...

No matter where you go, the Lord is covering you with his protection. And now you are safe and sound. LOL> This was so funny. I've found myself in similar situations. Most men don't like to ask for directions. It's nice that you are blessed with one that doesn't mind. Nice post, Ginny!

Anonymous said...

You made it sound funny but I'll bet it was a little scary.

I'm a retired truck driver and I still get lost! My wife has a better sense of direction than I do :-)


Nikki (Sarah) said...

great post Ginny...very funny.

SquirrelQueen said...

Too funny Ginny, when I saw the photos all sorts of things went through my head. At least Phil will stop and ask directions, most men would never consider such a thing. I hope you eventually made it to the gardens.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh that is the funniest thing - I was wondering why in the world you would be in a store like that! Makes perfect sense and yes we do need to know where we are going.


LC said...

Oh this was priceless! We overshot our turn on a Dec. 4 trip to Bellingrath Gardens to see the lights. Two stops for directions but not nearly as colorful as your stops. The direction givers, however, provided great entertainment for my mother-in-law and me waiting in our van. Looked like they were doing aerobics. Looking forward to your lights pix!

What Karen Sees said...

Wow, so nice to post your Christmas portraits for us!!! Funny, I pictured you both differently!!!! HaHa What a funny story, although I'm sure at the time, it didn't seem so, but now when things like this happen, you can say, "Oh well, this'll make a great blog post!!"

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh my - at first I wasn't sure what to think! It really surprised me to see images like that HERE! Funny - but hey - at least he asks for directions?????? :O)

Joanne said...

GINNY!!!! LOL I had to stop reading this mid way because I was crying in hyterics! You and I have the same kind of luck! This is just too funny!

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...